Thoughts After Visiting a United Methodist Church

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Thanks to Wesley Monument United Methodist Church and Pastor Benjamin Martin for hosting me!
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I have been looking for a Christian faith, for a church, and the Methodist theology just seems composed of so much love and wisdom. They got me and I love that I found my home.


I’m a Catholic Christian and love Christian unity, ecumenical dialogue is fantastic


“If all experienced God in the same way and returned Him an identical worship, the song of the church triumphant would have no symphony; it would be like an orchestra in which all the instruments played the same note.” –C. S. Lewis


Matt as one ordained in the Free Methodist church, I just want to let you know how much I appreciate the posture of your heart in all of this. I do feel like a kindred spirit with you, and have done my best to emphasize the areas of commonality and agreement as I've had opportunities to pastor in towns with a number of different "flavors" of Christianity. When teaching in church, or when instructing those who are actively pursuing the idea of becoming a pastor, I've always been sure to teach the difference between 3 basic levels of belief/understanding - dogma, doctrine, and distinctives. I hear you speaking toward a similar idea regarding orders of beliefs, and I really appreciate that. Keep up the good work.


Hi Matt! I just found your channel today through another one of your videos, but clicked on your UMC videos because I attend a UMC church. I was raised non-denominational (essentially S. Baptist), and did not expect to find a home at our local UMC church, but I certainly did. I love how you summed this up. I also love how a person with maybe just a slightly different view of salvation is completely welcome in the UMC church, as long as Jesus, the resurrection, and grace are the center of ones belief. None of the people in my Sunday School class were Methodist as children, but as adults, we have all found the UMC church to be where God has called us. You rightly mentioned the pending split. Please keep the church in your prayers. Looking forward to watching more of your videos and using them with my children as we do our Bible studies!


I get it. A true person of Christ must be ready to answer at any time and place. Thank you for the series. I like Protestantism because the tent is so broad (by and large). I grew up in the Christian (Disciples of Christ) Church. But have been drawn to different denominations through my 70 years. Bottom line: we are saved by Grace, and we love the Lord our God with all our hearts and minds and our neighbors as ourselves.


I was raised United Methodist. I love them, I maintain a deep, deep respect for John and Charles Wesley. I love that Methodists do see salvation as a process, that there is at least a concept of what I would now call "Theosis" as in many ways I think that prepared me to understand and accept that truth coming into Antiochian Orthodoxy. I'm actually part of Fr. Paul's congregation in SLC.

When I left Methodism behind it had nothing to do with the people, it had nothing to do with Methodism's historical teaching. God was leading me theologically and morally in a more conservative and more traditional direction and, at least the strain of Methodism that I was part of growing up, was going the other way.


I always appreciate how humble Matt is. He's open about his overall theological framework for the most part, but he never seems to act like he's better or has everything neatly figured out.


Coming from another bald, mid 40s Christian man, I love what you’re doing. I too, am tired of the division in the body of Christ because of the lack of willingness to dialogue with believers of other denominations. We are called to be unified in Christ, and we can start by interacting with each other and seeking to understand the reasons behind our differences. The world has begun using the divisions in the body of Christ to invalidate the gospel. Now, more than ever, is the time to unify and show the love for each other that Christ demanded of us. I will be following you on your journey. Godspeed!


You did a good job as usual. I’m glad you got such a great interview on this Methodist church in Savannah, Georgia.


Retired United Methodist pastor here. John and Chares Wesley were the denominations forbearers in England, although both remained Anglican priests to their deaths. I however was raised Baptist and became United Methodist by marriage and then 20 years later became an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. Churches have way more in common than they differ on. We United Methodist have a line we use when someone joins the church, "The Church is of God and will be preserved until that end of time." Christ bridges many denominations.


i have been excitedly waiting for you to visit a Methodist Church. Can't wait to watch when I get off work!


This is such an enlightening series. Thanks for doing these. I grew up in many different churches as my dad was in the military and we moved a lot, so I ended up usually attending whichever one had the "JOY bus" come to the neighborhood and pick me up. The bottom line for all and the core message is God loves us, He has a plan for our salvation, belief in Jesus is the only way to get there, and all you have to do is ask and God is already waiting for you.


Hey, Matt. I stumbled across this and really enjoyed it. I'm a United Methodist pastor of 27 years in Mississippi, and I would say that this guy's response is pretty indicative of most UMC churches. Grace would be where'd most of us would start; Grace that looks an awful lot like Jesus. I most definately agree that this would be a grim world without an array of denominations and faith traditions. We need each other, and we can learn from each other, and the stakes are high in how we treat each other and how we love one another (or fail to love one another). Thanks for promoting good will and finding common ground across the universal church. Keep up the great work!


Once again, I so appreciate the sincere manner in which you seek to learn more about different Christian faith traditions. And once again, I so appreciate the gracious manner in which you are received. I learn a lot through these videos and am challenged in a good way. This is a refreshing corner of the Internet. :)


Hi Matt! These videos, featuring visits to various churches, are what initially interested me in your channel and why I subscribed. I have enjoyed them all, more importantly, I have learned. I hope you will continue to add to this aspect of your efforts going forward. Many Thanks!


Hi Matt, I would enjoy a video about you visiting your own church and telling us the doctrines/beflies you teach and believe there


I was raised free will baptist and stopped going to church when i became a teenager. I feel that im spritual but ive shifted to a more agnostic view. However, since starting a family, i feel myself longing for a similar community i grew up in and ive been researching UM churches. Your video was very helpful.
Thank you.


Matt, I am so excited about this project, and so thankful for you, and the way you’re going about it. May God continue to bless and prosper your efforts, and may God bring all his people into closer fellowship. Praise the Lord!


New subscriber here! (I subscribed immediately after seeing your hilarious Daniel press conference skit) This is a really cool series to just jump in and get to know your perspective on the unity of the True Church! (a perspective that I happen to share) I grew up in a parsonage from what's known as the Conservative Holiness Movement. Sometimes colloquially called the "come-outers" because we are a loose group of small denominations that came out of the Holiness Movement which came out of the Methodist Movement. In doctrine we all share the Methodist theology for the most part, we only differ in practice. I am loving everything I've seen from your channel so far and I just subscribed to the podcast as well. Thank you for your commitment to sharing the Bible and a Biblical perspective of Christianity, with what seems to be your emphasis on reason and discourse in a Christlike manner. I believe it is so needed in the world today! 2nd Timothy 2:15
