Cut down Firestore Reads by 100x! | How to Reduce Firebase Cost
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We explore a trick to cut down Cloud Firestore read by 100x!
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00:00 : Introduction
00:41 : Example of when to use this trick
01:16 : Explanation of trick
01:53 : Implementation | Read
02:20 : Implementation | Create
02:45 : Implementation | Update
02:54 : Implementation | Delete
03:07 : Implementation | Duplicate
03:11 : Implementation | Sort
03:41 : Demo
04:38 : Upcoming Plans
05:12 : Outro
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//====================== SOCIAL MEDIA =====================//
//======================= TIMESTAMP =======================//
00:00 : Introduction
00:41 : Example of when to use this trick
01:16 : Explanation of trick
01:53 : Implementation | Read
02:20 : Implementation | Create
02:45 : Implementation | Update
02:54 : Implementation | Delete
03:07 : Implementation | Duplicate
03:11 : Implementation | Sort
03:41 : Demo
04:38 : Upcoming Plans
05:12 : Outro
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