What is a Firewall and How Does it Work?

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Think of a firewall as a security checkpoint for your network activity. Firewalls monitor traffic between a private network and the public internet, like how customs monitors who travels in and out of a country. Learn how firewalls work, and what they can do for your organization.

A firewall can be software or programming that sits between a private network and the internet, making sure all activity going in or out of the private company network is allowed. But what’s “allowed”? Firewalls don’t just block a standard slew of websites or contacts. They enforce a specific set of rules about what data enters or leaves a network, specified by the organization.

Although they’re not physical structures, firewalls are named for their purpose of minimizing damage from an internal or external cyberattack, like how physical firewalls are barriers put in place to limit the damage a fire can cause.

How does your organization use firewalls in the digital era with the widespread use of user-owned devices and the growth of the internet of things? Let us know in the comments below, and please hit the like button.

#Firewall #FirewallSecurity #EyeOnTech
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Love it! I love how he starts immediately without a long, 'what's up guys' intro, AND he didn't pester me to "like and subscribe" [I did both, by the way]. Oh... and also, the content is easy to understand.


Branded and soothing voice....explaination top notch. Great video


Nice explanation. Clear to understand.


Great informative video, thank you very much!
