OpenAI New Statement 'EVERYTHING Is About To Change' | Autonomous AI Agents Coming!

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Finally! I've been advocating for autonomy for a while. This was always inevitably the way forward. But it's going to be economically disruptive, and potentially painful. I'm still working on understanding how this will all play out...


I remember your *great* episode "Autonomous Al Agents why YOU should be building them... and HOW." last year Wes. Love your vision. 🙏👍


Your channel is becoming one of the best in this matter. Congrats


I would love to be prompted with: "You appear to be doing X, shall I complete it for you to review and accept?" Have wanted this for decades. Bring it on!


Great job Wes for keeping us on top of agents as the greatest frontier in AI for 8+ months now. Keep up the great work


Clippy was just way ahead of his time, everyone cancelled him when they were writing a letter, smh. Clippy was the misunderstood OG of AI Agents🙏


The mind is an operating system for the body, just felt I put that out there.


Recent AI history is full of surprises and OMG breakthroughs so I suspect those will come faster and faster thus making the future totally unknowable.


Wes, never stop creating content. You are a fucking gem. "chaos is a ladder" SENT me. As always, you keep us ahead of the game. Thank you 🖤


Interesting that one of the challenges for robotics is working with the physical world that evolved because of human anatomy e.g. door knobs, stairs. The current challenge is the UI that evolved around the same paradigm e.g. keyboards, mice and screens. At some point is there is going to be a state change when the predominate environment will be primarily digital? -- AI will feel perfectly comfortable and humans will be the ones struggling to adapt.


Jeff Bezos is looking like a damn super villain lol


Ultimately, these agents should exist on your desktop, browser, phone, in your AR glasses, etc -- and they should know you, and understand what you want increasingly well over time. Eventually they should anticipate what you'll need done and proactively handle things for you. They should be able to interact with you friend's, family's, and coworkers' personal agents/executive assistants as well.


After watching this video I can say that if someone wants to study something. Just don't do it... by the time you've finished it your job won't even exists anymore. Do what you are passionate about.


I just attended a Generative AI Bootcamp for my job at a Fortune 100 company and trust me when I say people are not ready for how fast folks are going to be displaced from work… especially if Agents are released with an easy workflow builder.

I’m personally excited for the new wave of automation and tools to build but I genuinely wonder if the juice is worth the squeeze with the effects it will have on humanity…


Not finished the video just yet but my 2 cents is that if we automate the task with ai agents we will be able to close the gap on faster performing software and automation leading to more semi-conductors being developed.


The follow-up stage are AI-first apps. While you can make agent click around GUI designed for human, it's not really the most efficient from AI's point of view. Every dev knows if you want to automate something, it has to have command line interface that can accept complex, chained commands. But, at the same time, these are just lines of text, lightweight and efficient, unlike image analysis or parsing the whole website HTML.


I fully support this path; we greatly need artificial intelligences that can do basically everything automatically. This will save a lot of money, especially in times of financial crises. I find the proposal extremely viable for companies, especially in the cultural and artistic sectors, as it will absurdly democratize all forms of art. This will be formidable, as anyone will become an artist in their own business. The future looks promising! ❤


I am pretty sure I was a subscriber to your channel. Subscribed again with the notifications on.


What a lot of people don’t realize is that Non-Profit organizations can “own” for profit businesses so OpenAi could essentially pull an Apple and acquire businesses for great advantage (if they have the finances to)


I want Agents that will know how to use Blender and Unreal Engine 5.
Having AI create any kind of 3d model with good weight paint and rigs for animation, good and fluid animations, and then integrate them all correctly in UE5 in a good animation system with procedural adjustments (using IK), will be a massive boost in my productivity.

Can we please focus on this???? As a solo game designer/developer, I hate everything related to the above, I already put 13 extra months of work just for these things to get something barely decent for my project.
