GET RID of fruit flies YOURSELF! | Cheesy DIY Infomercial | LEGIT Results 💯

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Fruit Flies annoying you AGAIN this season?? Well in this video I show you two great ways to help eliminate them and clear the air! You'll want to SAVE & BOOKMARK this video.
I am the ULTIMATE 80s/90s kid and I used to LOVE television! I've seen just about every late night infomercial there was and I now have created my very own, but with a DIY twist! This infomercial is as cheesy, but CLASSIC, as they come and highlights a product you likely ALREADY HAVE - no purchase necessary!
But wait there's more - If you have any questions, dilemmas or problems you'd like me to help you with, let me know down in the comments! Your suggestion may be my next video creation! I have really enjoyed creating this new series; more to come!
I am the ULTIMATE 80s/90s kid and I used to LOVE television! I've seen just about every late night infomercial there was and I now have created my very own, but with a DIY twist! This infomercial is as cheesy, but CLASSIC, as they come and highlights a product you likely ALREADY HAVE - no purchase necessary!
But wait there's more - If you have any questions, dilemmas or problems you'd like me to help you with, let me know down in the comments! Your suggestion may be my next video creation! I have really enjoyed creating this new series; more to come!