Asbury Revival is NOW ENDING???

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It started and about 2 weeks later the University is putting an end to it. If God Started it, then God will choose when to end it.

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I have a prayer youngest son died on Friday..and I'm heartbroken rt now..I know the Lord is with me and his word swells up in my heart is just so is the good news he got saved 2byrs ago so I know the Lords promises....pls part for me and my eldest son..ty


We don't need to travel miles to find a "revival'.
True revival begins in our hearts through the action of the Holy Spirit and is an ongoing process wherever we are in this world !


I can only hope that some real fruit is being produced within all this. I don't really know how it'll all turn out but only God can bring some good out of it. Blessings.


Thank you for covering this “revival”. I too was soundly save at health, wealth and prosperity church, but GOD brought me out of that chaos, praise be to Jesus my Savior! I pray that He does the same for the sincere that attended this event.


A non-stop praise meeting can be ended. If this is real revival, all visitors will take their new found (and deepened faith) home and spread the word.


I believe that this event was to bring the different denominations and different faiths together leading towards the one world religion


Thanks again Sean for your correct analysis on this. I have read a number of reports so forgive me for not knowing where I read this: Francis Chan, Mike Bickle & Rick Warren and any other NAR would be attending (behind closed doors) on 23rd for the day of prayer. This is were I fear the real damage will be done


Amen! My life got changed in my Home church. It was on a Friday night. The Holy Ghost dealt with my heart and I ran down to the alter and gave my life to Jesus


My heart and mind was changed when I went yesterday. The word of God was preached. I think we need to be careful to not be overly critical or even quench the Holy Spirit.


I guess we watch the NAR folks. They really want their revival. 🤦‍♀️ Thankful that dispute man’s plans the Lord will have His way in His people. Thanks for sharing this.


I don't believe this is a real revival; this was just a time of extended worship, which is great, but real revival begins in the heart first. Take a look at these verses from the book of Jonah.

Jonah 3:5-6 (NKJV) So the people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them. Then word came to the king of Nineveh; and he arose from his throne and laid aside his robe, covered himself with sackcloth and sat in ashes.

That, brothers and sisters, is real revival. The people of Nineveh repented first. There was an internal change. It is easy to get caught up in the emotionalism of such an event; what is most important is what will your character be like AFTER you have been through such an external experience.


Every single time I clicked on the videos, all I saw was singing! I also agree if God started this “Revival, nobody will be able to stop it”!


Thank you for these videos brother Sean! I went and looked up those planned revival videos and now this video makes it more clear. Thank you for your insights into this topic!!

God bless you 🙏🏽✝️
Maranatha King Jesus✝️👑🇮🇱


See my skepticism comes from the fact that those big tent rivals half a decade ago or more actually hit the nail on the head with mind control tactics. The music and the “energy” that is, the mood, of a large group of people, were found to have influenced and actually manipulated, cognitively or psychologically, those who were present. So an overwhelm of these 4 states (if I recall right) in a large group : Fear, Anger, Euphoria (Joy), or Confusion - can actually mind wipe a person AND make them suggestible to whatever comes next. I think when I read into this, there was a change from one state to the other but either way in excess, these can make someone less inclined to think properly.

So sadly, if the gospel wasn’t preached, then this “revival” might have given a lot of people the idea that they have God or that they are saved and actually made it where they might think they don’t “need” the Gospel. :(

I don’t have the source material right now but it was detailed on ‘MK ... (u) ‘... and made sense actually from a logical standing on how people could be manipulated.
Honestly I think this is also why in the bible we see Jesus drawing on the ground when asked if he is to stone the woman caught in adultery - because whenever you have someone force a decision from you and it’s Now Now Now, it actually can manipulate you. I believe emotional abuse and manipulation do use such tactics.

So my edit is to add this last part - I do think this could be in part (large or small) emotional spiritualism and I account that God can exist outside the building and people can worship and not have to be where this thing is. Ie watching the videos. I wouldn’t be surprised if watching the videos vs being there actually affected people differently :/ which would fit my skepticism...
I agree with the security measure for the students privacy but also think this gives the people leading this opportunity to bring in things that’s not biblical and now we won’t have video of it. :(


I hope that there we souls saved in whatever this was (not saying one way or the other, true revival or false). The most important thing is the Salvation of the lost. Thanks Sean!!


His word says their will be a falling away from truth....


I tried not to be skeptical but something about it didn't gel with my spirit. But the proof will be in the fruit.


I appreciate your consistent approach, Sean, on this Asbury 'revival.' Please note, the quotes aren't to throw doubt on the relevance or truth of a revival but just to be cautious. I, like you, am happy to see many worshipping in one place for an extended period of time. Also, many travelling to witness and experience this is truly remarkable. I questioned, however, the place of scripture in this activity. As you made known in this video, someone watched 18 hours and the lack or dare I say, non-involvement of scripture, left much to be desired. I am sure there are some that will be significantly impacted by this gathering. However, my litmus test is going to be what happens next. Even the chosen disciples on the Mount had to go down and face the reality of ministry and life at some point. I, like you Sean, are concerned about the ravenous wolves waiting to pounce. Prayer and vigilance is needed. Bless God for you bro. Thank you.


The things I detest most about these so-called revivals is that what we see here is:
1. People, who are supposed to be acting like Spirit-filled Christians, are acting like they all checked their brains at the door.
2. The Gospel is NEVER preached as it should be.
3. They put on a display that the world sees, then the world labels us all as foolish, insane, uncontrollable idiots in which they will blaspheme God for. This is how they view 'Christianity' folks, and because of events like this one!
4. They all want an 'experience'; not Christ.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is peace, patience and self-control (just to name a few) which seems to be lacking here in Asbury. Spirit-filled revival? Hardly. Self-gratifying revival? Definitely!


