Excel - How To Concatenate With A Delimiter Using TEXTJOIN In Excel - Episode 1961

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Microsoft Excel Tutorial: How to use TEXTJOIN and CONCAT functions in Excel.

Welcome to the MrExcel podcast, episode 1961 - where we dive into the latest Excel 365 February 2016 release and explore the new TEXTJOIN & CONCAT functions!
I'm Bill Jelen and I'm excited to share with you the amazing new features that have been added to Excel 365. If you're part of the First Release program, you may have already received the latest version of Excel, and trust me, you don't want to miss out on these updates.
One of the most exciting additions is the TEXTJOIN function, which allows you to easily combine multiple cells into one, with the option to add a delimiter in between. No more struggling with the CONCATENATE function or manually typing in separators - TEXTJOIN does it all for you.
But that's not all, the Excel team has also introduced the CONCAT function, which allows you to join a range of cells without any separators. And for those who want more control over the separators, the TEXTJOIN function has got you covered with the option to specify your own delimiter.
But wait, there's more! In this video, we'll also be discussing how to access these new functions and what version of Excel you need to have. So make sure to click the button in the top-right corner to watch the next video in this series.
If you're watching this in February 2016, you may need to sign up for First Release to access these functions. And when you do, make sure to ask your IT department for version 16.0.6528.1007 or higher.
Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the MrExcel podcast. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay updated on all things Excel. See you next time for another exciting netcast from MrExcel!

Table of Contents:
(00:00) TEXTJOIN and CONCAT functions in Excel
(00:34) Join text from two columns
(00:56) Limitations of CONCATENATE function
(01:10) Introduction to CONCAT function
(01:25) Example of TEXTJOIN function with delimiter
(01:57) Example of TEXTJOIN function with range
(02:09) Explanation of formula used for TEXTJOIN function
(02:25) Summary of new functions in Excel 365
(02:36) Clicking Like really helps the algorithm

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Here is the beauty of Office 365 - the Excel team can push out updates between releases and the new version of Excel 2016 includes some killer functions - including TEXTJOIN that lets you concatenate a range of cells with a delimiter between each cell. Also covered here: the CONCAT function.

Рекомендации по теме

I am so glad that you posted this video because I have a video coming out tomorrow, or I did ( I will delete it now) about MAXIFS in the new release, but I thought that it was in the Online Excel Version. I was not aware that Excel 2016 had a version that had the latest updates (now that I am no longer an Excel MVP I guess I am out of the loop). I will contact my IT department tomorrow and try to get this version. I can't wait!


thank you Bill; i found TEXTJOIN very useful. i didnt know about MINIFS & MAXIFS available in 2016; i was working some rating related logic & just tried the keywords, then found it i was very happy, its saved lot of time


Hi Bill,

I just upgraded to new office 2016 for Mac. I tried to use this TEXTJOIN function and it doesn't appear to show up on the version i have installed, just upgraded a few days ago. Can you shed some light? Also I have a question about the hyperlink function on MAC, and how to copy it in a range of cells, column?

Thanks for your help, you're the Excel Wizard!


I love TEXT join. But unfortunatlly not all of us who want it can have it at work for a while. Is there a VBA code that we can use for this function until?


I have updated Office 365 Home to the latest version (confirmed by trying to update again) and these new functions are not available. Excel 32 bit shows as v16.0.6326.1026


Text join sure rolls easier off the brain than concatenate


Great tip for all of you who don't have new TEXTJOIN function see this article:
