Dora Bros. (Mario Bros. Hack) - Gameplay on Famiclone Hardware

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Considering the modern age of Famiclones usually have old ROM Hacks on them, I decided to check one of them out on my FC Compact's built-in menu. Here's Dora Bros, a hack of Mario Bros that was made in 2000, and no, it has nothing to do with Dora the Explorer, since it's actually a hack featuring Doraemon. Of course Doraemon goes over Mario in this hack, though the enemies were edited to be snakes and birds, I'm not sure what the bug enemy is supposed to be replaced with and I think the icicles are replaced with penguins oddly enough. The coins were also replaced with Dorayaki from what I'm assuming. At first I thought Doraemon's sprites looked really good here, but that's because they are edited from the original Hudson Soft Doraemon game for Famicom, and they honestly fit quite nice here.