Apple River stabbing trial: Nicolae Miu's verdict read in court

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The jury came back with a verdict in the Apple River stabbing trial on April 11.

Miu was initially charged with first-degree intentional homicide and multiple counts of attempted first-degree intentional homicide. The state on Tuesday said it was also seeking lesser charges related to the initial counts.

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Never talk to police. Never talk to police. NEVER talk to police.


This situation proves why my Wife and I keep to ourselves, we stay away from crowds of people, we don;t drink or get around other people that are drinking. Shit goes south when you do.


Lying to the police sealed his fate. If he truly felt he acted in self defense why lie.


The thought of having your life in the hands of your modern peers is a horror I cannot describe.


He really effed himself by going to toss the weapon after the fact, putting on clothes to make himself less recognizable, tried to avoid police, pretending that he did not know what went on during the altercation, and lying to police like when he said he took the knife he used from one of the teens. All those things scream someone who knew they did something wrong.


Imagine if any one of the people involved chose kindness, what a difference it could have made. A tragedy.


If those teens never said anything to Mui I think he would have went on looking for the phone and would have never interacted with them. Also, if those 2 women didn’t involve themselves and get into his face then it probably wouldn’t have escalated to violence, brought on by the moron Dante


If he is going to jail for reckless endagerment then every single person involved should as well! Wtf?! Everyone there was recklessly endangering safety!


There you have it, some drunk unhinged girl can interject herself into your engagement with others, scream in your face, grab you, and lie about being punched effectively unleashing a gang of violent attackers and your options are to let them beat and/or drown you or be convicted of first degree murder. Also, your hand is now considered a deadly weapon used in the commission of a crime.

But just so we’re clear, Madison and the kid filming deliberately escalated this situation. It’s unlikely their egos will allow them to see it, but let this be a warning to choose your company wisely


What a tragic incident. No winners here.


This outcome has set a dangerous precedent. You cannot defend yourself from an angry mob where you were choked, slapped, pushed down and nearly drowned. Very frightening.


Let it be known... if you are accosted by a dozen inebriated teenagers, you must either accept a potentially lethal beating and attempted drowning by their hands, or spend your life in prison for self defense. Crazy.


This just empowered all the Jack Dohertys within our society to continue to harass and bully others with zero consequences.


This man looks so ill. He won’t survive long in prison.


The youth that started and escalated this tragedy should also be charged. This man is not the only responsable. We all know it. It's unfair they don't pay.


The vast majority of comments are defensive of Miu. However, let’s consider the following.
Maybe first and FOREMOST, Miu had NO, zero, injuries other than scraped knuckles and minor abrasions on his back that he, himself, stated were caused by himself falling backwards because of “bad shoes”. This according to impartial hospital staff. NO bruises, cuts, black eyes, swollen body parts, abrasions (other than backside), or ANY injuries large or small. So, to say that he was attacked by a mob, or an individual, is unfounded.
Second, none of the teens had any weapons. Only Miu.
Next, it was Miu who initially approached/engaged/interfered with the teens. Not the reverse.
Additional information (not evidence per se) is unlike alcohol, the effects of marijuana are non-aggressive. A person under the influence tends to be mellow, non-confrontational.
Miu, and his group were intoxicated.
Drinking and smoking marijuana is a very common part of floating a popular river in summer months. Common amongst most everyone regardless of age for generations.
Very, very similar to Fourth of July activity.
It wasn’t the teenagers who approached and interfered with Miu’s group floating the river. To the contrary. And, regardless of what Miu’s motivation, when asked, then told to go away, he persisted and ignored their directives to ‘go away…walk away…get the F out of there.
Name calling is NOT reason to escalate a situation to violence.
Miu was the aggressor. Miu was the person who didn’t get the ef away when told to do so. Miu was the perpretator and assailant. Miu was drunk. Miu attempted to hide the weapon and lied to authorities. Miu had NO injuries according to police and hospital staff. NONE.
There was no attack by a ‘mob’ of aggressive teenagers.
The jury of twelve unanimously agreed. Not a court, a judge, lawyers but 12 independent jurors who listened and watched ALL the evidence presented by both the prosecution and the defense and UNANIMOUSLY agreed that Miu assaulted and murdered the teenagers. Unanimously. Had even one juror disagreed then Miu would have been set free. Twelve jurors of HIS peers. Not twelve teenage jurors.
So, when you say they ‘got it wrong’, it’s more likely YOU got it wrong. Either because YOU didnt watch/listen to ALL the testimony and evidence or, you have your prejudice about teenage boys?
Ask yourselves (and answer honestly) if reversed and those stabbed were middle-aged by a teen or a black man, then who would you say was the perpretator?
Society will be a safer place with Miu behind bars. The jury got it right. Our judicial system worked!


lying to the cops DESTROYED his credibility..

if you're going to claim self defense.. YOU NEED TO BE CREDIBLE..


Such a senseless tragedy fueled by alcohol and stupidity on both parts.


Miu should have not lied about what he did to the police


Now all these teenagers drunks are innocents? What the hell?
