SKT T1 Faker Yasuo vs Riven - Outstanding Duel [KR Highlight]

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For those who don't know LORD MASTER KING is a Riven main player
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some people dont understand faker does this all the time in solo que. how can he learn and get better if he doesnt get outplayed or misplays. he is pushing his limits by seeing if he could win that duel. how can he improve if he never pushes the limit


Did someone notice lmk animation cancel when clearing wave? very impressive, fast af.


Just proves that Yasuo wasn't the one in need of nerfs.


I like how these people didn't mention that faker waited out for riven's Q to be on cd(which is where most of her damage comes from) then engaged that riven. Fed or not, if your spells are on cd = 0 damage. LORD MASTER KING knows his champion well, alest better than faker knows his yasou.

Faker's yasou is at the point of the game that he has 100% critical rate, watch how fast riven's hp goes down even through her shield.

Faker got ignite, LORD MASTER KING got flash.

As much as Faker is good, he got outplayed mechanically by LORD MASTER KING.

So stfu Faker fanboys and go learn how to watch and play the game properly. 


she won because she dodged the q, i think he was too confidant about landing it. 


I would really wanna know the items they have as I believe the Riven is more fed considering he's lvl 18 vs 17 Faker, and Faker didn't even have flash or didn't use it.


Lol at everyone defending faker. Faker got outplayed and why would he even engage in a fight if he knew he was going to lose, he could have recalled but instead decided to fight riven.


That animation cancelling at the start. How does one do it so fast? Does Attack speed help?


well if u people notice that riven has baron (15% stat increase) it obvious who will win. and she more fed than faker


i like how people critisize the universally accepted alltime best player lmao


Yasuo can't win vs Riven unless the Riven is really bad. I main Riven and I have also played dafuq out of Yasuo, I have played both vs. Yasuo as Riven and vs. Riven as Yasuo and let me tell you, as Riven I win every time and as Yasuo I lose every time unless she really fucks up or is very slow (doesn't know animation cancels). It doesn't matter if I go with stacked Q, hit ulti or not. Riven is the hardest counter for Yasuo, it's like Quinn is for Riven, you can't do shit, especially after that HP nerf. Your only hope of killing Riven is pre-lvl3 with a cheese. Once she gets her shield she will outtrade every single time and once she gets ult you cannot face her, EVER. She can dive and do as she likes with you, because you are a squishy little Yasuo. And if you aren't squishy she will outsustain your damage, I've had Yasuos rush Sunfire or Thornmail because they know they can't take a Riven and still lose. 

In this clip, Faker waited for LMK to use up his dashes. You can clearly see how hard a counter it is if LMK didn't even need his animation cancels to deal most of the damage. Keep in mind, this was past the teamfight stage and Riven had baron, sure. But even with baron it should be EASIER for Yasuo, because he at least has his core items. But the early-game in laning phase Yasuo can't touch a creep. Scratch that, Yasuo can't GO TO LANE, because at level 6 she can straight dive him with ulti. Provided she bought a couple of longswords she can easily full combo him to death from full hp and shield and if she knows what shes doing she will stun at the end and then ulti so he can't wall it. 


I think he is a little bit too confident for his skill.


It's not like Riven can outduel Yasuo everytime. In this case, Riven had baron, was already 18 and probably more fed than Yasuo. Plus, sshe only won because she had her flash up and menaged to dodge Yasuo's q


He avoid Riven slash without flash, amazing, he lost because it was a riven with ult, flash, and baron buff... 


Riven won because she simply had stronger auto attack and had flash. only skill she hit was w.


Yasuo had his advantage which is a group of minion that can let him dash.
LMK had his Q on cd and still won okay?
And of course Faker will lost way more faster if LMK had his Q up.

I know faker is good and i like watching him too but stop defending him in this way, that is really disgusting...


faker could have charged his Q up with the minions and if he hadn't turn back the last few moments he definitely could have won, so he played pretty bad


More PLays Best Riven Na, with riven after was nerfed,  BR HUE !!!


wtf the way he juked riven ulti.. FAKER WON THAT 


eso fue un poco tonto de parte de faker tirarse contra una riven que tiene baron :v 
