ROS NAVIGATION IN 5 DAYS #1 - Course Overview & Basics Concepts

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What is the ROS Navigation Stack? What do I need to work with the Navigation Stack? In this tutorial, you will find the answers and get an overview of the ROS NAVIGATION IN 5 DAYS course.
💻 Useful Resources:
What you'll learn from this video?
* What is the ROS Navigation Stack?
* What do I need to work with the Navigation Stack?
* What is the move_base node and why it is so important?
* Which parts take place in the move_base node?
The objective of this course is to give you the basic tools and knowledge to be able to understand and create any basic ROS Navigation related project. You will be able to create maps of environments, localize the robot in the environment, make the robots perform path planning, visualize data of the different Navigation processes, debug errors using RViz and configure the different Navigation nodes.
The course will allow you to understand Navigation packages that others have done. So you can take ROS code made by others and understand what is happening and how to modify it for your own purposes.
This course can serve as an introduction to be able to better understand the official ROS Navigation documentation or external Navigation documentation and projects.
#1: A Map + Launch a Mapping demo (1:09)
#2: Localize the robot on the map + Localization demo (5:20)
#3: Send goal locations to the robot + Path planning demo (10:50)
#4: Avoid obstacies + Obstacie Avoidance demo (10:50)
#5: Robot Configuration + URDF files (21:17)
#6: The Navigation Stack (24:57)
#7: Hardware Requirements (26:25)
#8: The move_base node (33:26)
#ROS #ROSNavigationStack #ROStutorial
💻 Useful Resources:
What you'll learn from this video?
* What is the ROS Navigation Stack?
* What do I need to work with the Navigation Stack?
* What is the move_base node and why it is so important?
* Which parts take place in the move_base node?
The objective of this course is to give you the basic tools and knowledge to be able to understand and create any basic ROS Navigation related project. You will be able to create maps of environments, localize the robot in the environment, make the robots perform path planning, visualize data of the different Navigation processes, debug errors using RViz and configure the different Navigation nodes.
The course will allow you to understand Navigation packages that others have done. So you can take ROS code made by others and understand what is happening and how to modify it for your own purposes.
This course can serve as an introduction to be able to better understand the official ROS Navigation documentation or external Navigation documentation and projects.
#1: A Map + Launch a Mapping demo (1:09)
#2: Localize the robot on the map + Localization demo (5:20)
#3: Send goal locations to the robot + Path planning demo (10:50)
#4: Avoid obstacies + Obstacie Avoidance demo (10:50)
#5: Robot Configuration + URDF files (21:17)
#6: The Navigation Stack (24:57)
#7: Hardware Requirements (26:25)
#8: The move_base node (33:26)
#ROS #ROSNavigationStack #ROStutorial