Come Follow Me | Jacob 1-4 | Lesson 14 - Restoring Virtue & Chastity in a Shattered World

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Jacob's sermon to the Nephites strongly warns against the dangers of immorality, but how do we help our youth build up the good and overcome temptation? In this more informal and candid podcast, Hannah Stoddard shares personal experiences that left an impact in striving to remain chaste and better understand God's vision for Celestial romantic relationships.

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What a blessing you are, thank you for the work you do Hannah! May I ask; which of Jane's books would you most recommend for my daughters? Thank you! 🕊️🤍🕊️


One definition of love: the willingness to exert oneself for the spiritual welfare of oneself or another.


This is a lesson God is teaching me. As someone who is same sex attracted, a lot of what I previously found attractive, I no longer do and even basic traits that I used to find admirable have completely changed as God reveals true love to me.


I am a convert to the Church. The vast majority of my problems in life were caused from not following the Law of Chastity & Word of Wisdom.


This video helped me so much. I just got my temple recommend on sunday and i have not attended in years, and i am beginning a brand new trail for me, my wife and my son. It has been an extremely difficult road. And your right, our sins make so much of life stressful and hard to bear, I know Christs atonement is a real power as i am in an upward spiral now, instead of a downward spiral. Thank you for sharing your testimony of the gospel. Your videos are just what the doctor ordered (:


Joseph Smith is so lucky to have these amazing people representing him


Thank you for this beautiful lesson. It was so uplifting. I especially enjoyed the quote by John Taylor on kindred spirit.


Beautiful and masterful presentation Hannah!
As someone who wasn’t raised in The Church, I fell into many foolish and impure temptations. I can testify that life in The Church, living gospel standards is the only path to truly lasting peace and joy.
Your work is a blessing! 🙏🏻


Dear Hannah, it's not an easy thing, nor is it comfortable to make ourselves vulnerable by speaking about ourselves. You did it beautifully! You have made me even more mindful of the importance of guarding the innocence of our children. It is imperative especially in our day to not allow this corruption into our homes. It eats at the fabric of our families. God bless you in your efforts to defend the truth no matter what. ❤ much love ❤


A Beautiful Bright Lantern You are Hannah- Who couldn't leave your presence and not feel loved by your example!


Thanks Hannah, such an important message. Only clean hands can effectively build the Lord's kingdom.


As a single man, I can tell you Hannah, not only are you attractive on the outside but your love of the Restoration and God's minister Joseph makes you "drop-dead-gorgeous" to one who is born again and matured in those truths and Spirit. The Lord bless you with much fulfilling experience ahead in your life, and may God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven, including romantic love in the new and everlasting covenant! Pardon my frankness.


What a deep and wonderful video. Thank you for sharing your very special testimony.


Hannah, you were raised by goodly parents. You and your Dad are spot on about music in the Church.


Oh Hannah!! (a beautiful name...I named one of my daughters) Thank you so very much for this video. I've forwarded it to my granddaughters. Oh how I wish I would've been raised in a home like yours...BUT I'm grateful I was born in America to goodly parents that did take me to church. I woke this morning, praying, crying & thinking about my life...growing up in the 60's, wondering if it was my fault I didn't embrace and understand the POWER of virtue. I don't blame my parents because I know, as I heard a sister say years ago in RS, "we're all children of God, disguised as idiots!" I know I haven't been the best of parent to my own children, who I love with all my heart and soul. Again, as I laid in bed this morning reviewing my life much of "it" was/is my fault (compared to what I really knew & understood)...and thinking of all the difficult/different/desperate circumstances children of God are born into...I was able to recognize that, it's all about TRUSTING GOD and I know that as I strive to be a valiant warrior in His special forces for good and stay loyal and true to the end...keeping the faith...ALL things will work together for my good. I have the same picture of the man being it!'s my dream of how I'd love to feel with a man. I'm curious, you don't often mention your mother? I LOVE your podcasts and THANK YOU to you & your family for all you do!


Beautiful and Powerful. Both the message, and the soul sharing it. Thank you Hannah 🙏🏼


I felt the goodness you grew up with at your father's funeral as each of his children spoke. The feeling was so uplifting I thought I would do anything to create a family with that level of purity and goodness as I left.❤


I appreciate this particular message. I was reading in Jacob 5 last night and as I understood the "poorest spot, (where the tree was planted in the vineyard), God knows what family or place He planted us and we are still able to bare good fruit. So some might play into the hands of the worldly things that are being thrown at us right now, however God the Father knows each of us individually and is available to us... I did come from a crazy family and past, I found the church when I was 12 and soon realized the potential and gifts He had waiting for me. There are no real words to put to how I was taught through the Spirit, just deep love for my Father in Heaven and our Lord and Savior. We can ALL bare good fruit even in the poorest of situations we've grown up in. ❤ Thank you for being vulnerable with us Hanna Stoddard. It doesn't fall on deaf ears. You are a teacher and leader in Zion and this work MUST go on. ❤


This was wonderful Hannah. Everything you said is right on the mark. I grew up in a very immoral home and even with the Church in my life, I followed in footsteps I'm not proud of. It wasn't until I was 24, and the missionaries found me that I learned all the things you've just talked about. I feel like Alma the Younger when he said in Mosiah 27:29: "My soul hath been redeemed from the gall of bitterness and bonds of iniquity. I was in the darkest abyss;but now I behold the marvelous light of God. My soul was racked with eternal torment; but I AM SNATCHED, and my soul is pained no more." Being SNATCHED by the Lord put me on a path, where now 38 years later my life is full of the love of God and a good man with whom I've raised 6 kids and have 18 beautiful grandchildren. Our life has not been easy but with the Gospel we have been happy and at peace. You have truly been blessed with such parents. God bless❤ Have a blessed Resurrection Day ❤


I just love you Hannah! You are such a a beautiful daughter of Heavenly Father. I am going to show this video to my daughter. She tells me all the time that the girls around her are always talking about "hot" boys, crushes, they have boyfriends at age 11. She doesn't want a boyfriend until she grows up. I was the exact same way but did not grow up in the church. Just like you I knew my husband was out there and I would meet him when I grew up. I met a return missionary and I joined the church and we've been married for 30 years now.❤
