HOW TO prepare for HAIR TRANSPLANT | The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic

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Before you arrive at the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic on the day of your procedure there are just a few things that we will need you to do in order for you to be as prepared as possible for your hair transplant procedure.
Wash your hair the day before surgery with your regular shampoo
Make sure to eat a good breakfast before you arrive, you will be given medications throughout the day that can disagree with an empty stomach, this includes an antibiotic and a sedative.
Do not drink alcohol or caffeine the night before or the morning of your procedure
Wear a button down shirt or something that will go over your head the easiest
Please arrive at the office no later than 7:45 am. In the event that you may require medication it is preferred that you be dropped off and picked up after your procedure.
Please review and follow the recommendations for foods and herbal supplements that should be avoided prior to surgery as they contain aspirin like (blood thinning) qualities and can complicate the surgery.
Dr. Torgerson will design your hairline and layout the placement of your new hairs as well as take some Pre-operative photos for your chart
A comfortable, yet loose fitting hat for a few days after the surgery in case you will need to go out in to the sun.
And most importantly, Please feel free to ask as many questions as you like. We want you to be as informed as possible

We always want our patients to be well informed and to get the very best results possible!

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Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic
70 Yorkville Avenue Toronto, Unit 32,
Ontario M5R 1B9
Phone: (647) 351 0061
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