Fexty Auto by Renn241 Verified! (Extreme Demon)

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Cool little 1.9 level Renn asked me to verify. It's pretty fun in my opinion but I was pretty tired and ended up dying a lot everywhere because of that.

As for the difficulty, it's probably just a beginner tier extreme demon, but I wouldn't be surprised if people found it harder or maybe even easier than I do.

~Level information~
Level name ➜ Fexty Auto
Level publisher ➜ Renn241
Level's song ➜ F-777 - Sound of Infinity
Level's in-game rating ➜ Extreme Demon
Level's personal rating ➜ Extreme Demon
Level's list placement (as of upload) ➜ N/A
Level's personal list placement (as of upload) ➜ NLW

Attempts taken ➜ 1210 (I got 89% with like 450 attempts :sob:)
Hardest part in my opinion ➜ idk
Personal enjoyment ➜ 80/100
Best % before completion ➜ 89%

Discord ➜Blankb#2857​​​​
Geometry dash account name ➜ Blankb
Рекомендации по теме

that straight fly at the end goes hard af
