The TnT RCD Portable Appliance Tester - Portable RCD Testing

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Learn how to conduct portable RCD tests with the TnT RCD Portable Appliance Tester.

The first RCD test setup (shown at 0:24) may not work if your tester is an older model, and does not have the latest firmware upgrade. If this occurs, you can send your tester to Wavecom for a firmware upgrade and calibration, or you can use the inline method (shown at 1:26).

0:00 Introduction
0:24 RCD Test Setup
1:26 RCD Test Setup - Inline Method
2:35 RCD Ramp Current Test Procedure
3:49 RCD Trip Time Test Procedure

The TnT RCD is the most affordable battery powered Appliance Tester from Wavecom. Offering an easy to use Portable Appliance Testing system and a long lasting battery, the TnT RCD is the cutting edge in appliance testing technology.The TnT RCD Portable Appliance Tester.

To learn more about the TnT RCD, visit our website:
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