How to Replace the Keypad Lock on Your Safe

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I'll show you how I replaced the lock on my gun safe. Actually very easy to do. Enjoy!
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I bought a patriot safe with the same dimensions and the lock I had was the same. I had to get a replacement and this safe was identical the istall was so simple thanks to your video I’m am super grateful and appreciate you for uploading the video. Much appreciated


The backplate holds the relock bolt up when screwed tight, however if one applies any external force to the lock mechanism, the bolt will drop and prevent the door being opened again without cutting or drilling. On some variants there is also a built-in relock bar that interacts with the anti-drill plate, that can also lock the lock bolt permanently in place.


Nice video - I've had some issues with my keypad here and there - having to enter the combo multiple times, having it stick and not open - that kind of thing. It's nice to know that if things start to get worse, I can do a DIY fix - the SG keypads are actually fairly reasonably priced.


The part missing as stated is a re-locker. In a puck out attempt on lock or drill out the mechanism it will drop in and lock the slide til cut open.
You can (and should) reuse the plate off original lock to keep that function. It is a super simple fail safe. And new mechanism had the same screw holes to mount the plate in the same spot


Thanks for this video. I have a Liberty safe and the lock needs replaced. It’s a SG lock and looks almost identical to yours. My safe is still under warranty but I can’t get any return calls or emails from Liberty or the locksmith I bought my safe from. Where did you order the keypad from?


That part with the spring is a relocking feature to prevent someone drilling and destroying your electronic lock. It’s supposed to “fire” and lock your safe at which point a pro would need to open it for you.


Any suggestions on a Cannon gun sfe that seems to be unlocking the handle turns but safe won't open something inside seems to be jammed. It may be overfull blocking mechanism.


That “thingy” is a RELOCKER. Fool with it out of ignorance and you’ll be locked out forever.


Great video. I have the same issue with my safe. Could you post a link to the keypad you bought? Thank you


That lock is also EMP proof for anyone that wants to know


We have the same exact issue. No click on the inside when we put in code. We even purchased the master lock code and still does not click. What did you do off camera to get the safe open? I may need to try Thank you!!!!


I have the same shape I bought new from tractor supply in 2019 last week when I went to open it the shaft connected to the turn handle broke off inside the shape call Cannon took quite a while to give them all the information they wanted to warranty this even a video of the battery then they tell me it will be 15 to 20 days before they get someone to come out and open it I am already going to have another safe a much better one I just want them to open it my advice if something goes wrong and you have a warranty problem go with another company avoid cannon at all costs thank you for your time


Your old lock would have worked if you had removed that other locking large pin that you or I don't know the name of. I had the same problem of multiple trys up to 20+ I looked at how the mechanism worked and noticerd the dual drop down pins were working but not the large spring loaded bolt. Instead of removing that large spring loaded bolt pin, I just moved it to the upper hole to stay out of the way. Hope this helps others with the same problem of not opening until numerous tries. Also, try a fresh good Alakline battery. Sometimes, there's just not enough power to make the mechanism work.


It's the "fiddly farting around" in the beginning that I need to get my Cannon NL locked safe open. Too bad that part was skipped.


Original lock probably would have worked perfectly if you would have loosened all 4 screws on mechanism and wiggled it into alignment and retightened it. Probably thrown together so quick or tweaked in shipping.


The thingy is a re-locker, and if someone attempts to drill through your safe, or smash out the lock by hitting it with a hammer, the re-locker will snap into place, causing the safe to be permanently locked.


Is there any way to convert a combination lock to a key pad lock. Mine has the combination roller and its tedious to use


Lol yeah what he said. Without that a thief can knock the lock mechanism off and open your safe


If you can't open your safe because your SG keypad is dysfunctional is there an easy way to remove the keypad and lock externally?


You left out some of the parts we needed to wiring the lock mechanism.
