Are you ready? What no one tells you about Ultra Marathon

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Ultra Running and Trail Running is a challenging sport. It can take years to master, and you might be wondering – am I ready for this? Am I ready to run my first 50k? My first 50 miles? 100k? 100 miles? What do I need to do to be ready? And how does it feel to run these distances?

Curious about the trail running gear I use and recommend: check out this link

I think a lot of new runners focus too much on the obvious of increasing weekly mileage. It is of course extremely important to get fit for the physical challenge ahead. In this video, I will discuss the peak weekly mileage you should aim depending on the distance you plan on racing. If you need help building a training schedule - have a look at my video on Long Runs and Training plans (link below). But that's really the tip of the iceberg - the obvious part of becoming an ultra runner run! But...there is more...unfortunately

Today, I want to help you be prepared for the unexpected challenges you will face as you run new distance. Problems that become increasingly more important than just mileage, and problems that can absolutely ruin your day - but hopefully with my help, you will solve and overcome them! I can only give you the tools - but I know you can!

In this two part series – I’ll help you find the best race for YOU! Today is focused on ‘are your ready, and how can I be ready’ to tackle a new distance. Next week, I’ll walk you through how I select race, and go though my Top 5 personal favorite!

As always - Thanks for watching and remember -

Work Hard!
Believe in yourself!
Push your limits!






How to Run an Ultra Marathon series:

My Favorite Race by Distance – Have a look at the race recap to be inspired!
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I think there is a huge difference between pro runners and fun runners who merely want to complete the distance.

I just completed a 50 miler where I finished dead last. I completed it well ahead of the cutoff and I wasn’t injured. In fact I went to work the next day. That to me was a success.


For me the training is every bit part of ultra running as the completion. I don’t enter races, (only my Garmin knows) I just train to go long distances at a point I pick in time. The bigger picture is, you are laying down a much healthier old age. Happy trails everyone., and remember…YOU’RE NEVER TOO OLD!


I don’t even like to think of these events as races and don’t love that they are called that, since i’m not trying to beat anybody and thinking of them as races puts me in the wrong mindset. I view them as community runs, a chance to run with others and be supported along the way.


Ran my first half this weekend. Doing another one this spring and a marathon next Fall. Finally making progress towards running ultras one day


Your meme game is off the charts. One of the most helpful ultra tips videos I've watched, and I've watched a lot now!


just did my first 100k yesterday, tried and failed the same one last year, longest distance id ran before was a marathon, i was not prepared last year and after a year of preparation i was still nowhere near ready. enjoyed every minute of it but it was awful. 10/10 will do again


I didn’t get any of the American football analogies but very well laid out in terms what is involved in Ultra marathons. Thanks for sharing this with us.


Next week (ish) - Top 5 races and tips on finding this one race that will be the perfect challenge and inspiration to reach a new your full potential!


Thanks Simon for this video and all the others. As someone who is working towards a 50k and eventually working my way hopefully to 100 miles your videos have been informational and motivating. Thank you!!


Just wanted to say that this is one of the best ultra advice videos I've ever seen. Agreed with every point you made. Wish I'd seen this 10 years ago, though to be fair that would have been quite difficult :) An easy sub, looking forward to checking out your other content.


I just ran my first and only Marathon about a month ago. I just signed up for the shotover moonlight mountain ultra in New Zealand. 60k lots of elevation. I would be lying if i said im not nervous but im sure all will be well. Thankyou for the great video and I love your memes! You are awesome!


I find it funny that the video finished at night while talking about how running at night is a big challenge haha


Amazing intro to ultra running. I'm a 53 yo Triathlete that did my first 50 and 60 ultras this spring and are looking for a 100k in 2024. Due to Ironman and long road races I have a very very good understanding of fueling while I am not too happy about suffering😉. Thanks for great inspiration and tips👍


Great video love all the insight. I'm new to it hoping to do my first 50k in September of 2024.


This video is sooo good. I can’t state that hard enough. Everything you said all the way to 100k is completely correct. And very very relatable. I can’t say that about the 100 mile distance because i’ll be doing that for the first time later on this year. But these insights are so valuable. Thanks!


Ran my first ultra last september (55k, 3000m elevation) mostly on gels snd water after training around 10h per week for 2 months. Finished ok, but with leg cramps and my digestive system tore me apart the night after.
Did another 54k/2300m elev. this weekend with around 7h training per week and relying on solid food an isotonic drinks. Finished, got more food, massage and a lot of sleep. Didn't even haven sore muscles, feeling ready to go another round today! Digestion also absolutely ok...


Excellent video. Great info for someone with a few road marathons underbelt but curious about a 50km trail run. Thanks for putting together 🤲


Ran my first 50k last year. It had only 3300ft of climbing. This coming may im running another 50k with 7000’ of climbing (very nervous for it as the previous 50k was difficult) but I got to go for it. Then next August I have my first 50 miler. I recently hired a running coach because I want to be successful in my ultra adventure. Can’t wait for this next race season! Thanks for the great video and sharing your knowledge.


I really like your direct tips- great videos


Thanks for the explainer. I am hoping to get to the trail marathon/50k distances next year but for now enjoying the shorter runs on local trails. This was really helpful!
