When Women PLAY THESE Games With You RUN! | Stephan Speaks

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If you feel she is playing you, or asking is she playing games, always try and address the issues or the red flags in your relationship and after addressing the issues and then you notice, they do not want to correct them or you are not comfortable with the answers you get, then now you can let go.

A common occurrence with female players is that when you are dating her and issues arise in the relationship when you will address the matter she will attempt to try to dismiss what you are saying sometimes even claiming you are insecure or unreasonable.

A female player knows how to use men’s desire for her to her advantage and she does not worry about who fulfills her needs. Instead, she is worried about getting her needs fulfilled, she is worried about getting all the benefits she can from whoever she can.

As a relationship coach for men, I want to shed some light on dating a female player, and the signs that she is playing you because some of you may have come across a female player or may come across a female player while dating. Listed below are the five signs you’re dating a female player that I talk about in this video as well as the exact time that I mention each sign in the video;

1. She has a lot of male friends who do things for her 2:15

Many women out there have a lot of male friends than female friends and that should not be the issue. However, it should be an issue if all these different male friends are constantly doing things for the woman.

2. She is very flirtatious 4:04

If a woman has a constant desire to flirt, that should be a concern. A woman who is a player knows flirting is one of men’s weaknesses and one of the ways to manipulate men. If she is in a relationship with you, why does she feel the need to flirt with other individuals?

3. She gets very upset when you don’t give her what she wants 5:32

Women who are playing men will use anger as a manipulation tactic to get what they want. A woman who truly loves you is not going to be quick to get mad when you are unable to give her what she wants.

4. She is emotionally detached 7:49

A female player is going to be less loving, less nurturing, she is going to be less concerned about affection and all these other sweet things. She is just there to get the benefits she can get, which allows her to deal with multiple men.

5. She has you giving way more than you are receiving 9:52

The intention of a female player is to get what she can get. It’s all about her, she does not care about you. She will always make sure she is getting way more than you. All she cares about is she gets what she wants.

Once again, whenever you see any red flag in your relationship, address it and if he or she is into you, they will be willing to correct it.

As a certified life coach, dating coach, and relationship coach who provides relationship and dating advice for women and men, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you, and I pray you find this video helpful. If you are asking yourself the following questions;

- Am I dating a female player
- Female player
- Is she playing me
- Am I being played
- Should I cut her off immediately
- What should I do if I am dating a female player
- Mgtow
- Dating coach for men
- Dating advice for men
- is she playing games

Well, I believe this dating and relationship advice video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video “5 Signs You’re Dating A Female Player”

Here are some other dating and relationship advice videos that might interest you:

1. BEST DATING ADVICE EVER - Stop Wasting Your Time! 😲

2. 3 Reasons Men Should NOT Chase Women 💯

3. 3 EASY WAYS To Become More Attractive 🤩

#RealLove #SheIsPlayingYou #RelationshipAdviceForMen #DatingCoachForMen #DatingAPlayer #RelationshipAdvice #DatingAdvice #FemaleNature #DatingCoach #StephanSpeaks
Рекомендации по теме

1. She has alot of male friends, doing stuffs for her.
3.She gets very upset, when you don't do what she wants.
4.She's emotionally detached.
5.You are giving way more than you are receiving.


This is On point. This is why you chase God and your purpose. The right Woman/Man will eventually come.


I just come out of a relationship , she was playing me bad bad, manipulate me but everything in the darkness come to light. thanks Jesus


Thank you for this, my son thought I was joking ... many broken men and male "players" were first hurt deeply by a manipulative female. Manipulation of the heart is a cruel way to treat a man...or woman.

Ladies, we should use those gifts of persuasion to build dynasties not tear down kings
We must do better🖤


Once you can sense she’s playing you just watch her body language, tone and actions and you’ll know when it’s time to go


Not every guarded woman is a player but every player is guarded. 👏🏾


As a former female player, I definitely agree with everything this man just said.


Most women with alot of male friends often sleep with them platonically when their single then introduce them as friends to you when you date them.


3:40 The word "Insecure" means you are 100% secure. You are reacting to an actual action she made, and she will not defend it -- just attack you. Never be offended if you are called "Insecure." It means you are smart, aware, and is the other person's admission of guilt.


Quicc fact "A woman who really loves you isn't going to easily get upset when she doesn't get her way." #ManipulationTactic


Yep they detach after being hurt!
Good men seem to get triflin women!
Good women seem to get triflin men!


My homegirl made it clear, we just friends, nothing more nothing less. She ask me for some $ I said nah bro. Then she flipped because I said no to her needs.


1.Your relationship with God is First.
2. A relationship with SELF. Your Mind and Soul.
3.Purpose and Destiny. Amen


when her brother told me to not chase her I knew it was time to move on


if she isnt emotionally and physically there for you, she is playing you . unless its friend benefits. outside of that both is required for long term


This is what I needed to hear. My gut instinct was right all along


I would leave a negative comment because this is what exactly happened to me, but all I'm going to say my fellow young men is just focus on yourself for now.


I didn't think I'd find myself watching these types of videos again 5 years later.. But I lost faith in love and at this point all I want to do is do what I have to for the fam and myself and wait for the day I leave this earth..


The woman that really into you will love you more than anything ❤️


I’ve had many girlfriends in the past and every one that had ‘multiple’ guy friends & always said the EXACT same phrase ‘I’ve just always got along better with guys than girls & had more close guy friends than girl friends’’ meaning they’ve got at least 2-5 dudes in a rotation that they consistently have ongoing text conversations with when They were not with me...they were usually at work, with their one or two close girlfriends, or at school etc anyways my girlfriends were ALL CONVINCED 100% that these guy friends were all strictly platonic and that they didn’t want to hook up with my girl. When in reality every single one of them were so
Flirtatious towards my girl and would take any chance
Or Opportunity they could get to get down with them. And the worst part is my girl would flirt back with them & lead them on/string them along but never actually end up physically hanging out with them becuz they’d always be hanging out with me & were loyal enough to not cheat (physically) with any of these guys. I always felt like it was emotionally cheating though. My last GF one who I was most serious and in love with (I was ready to marry and have a family with this woman) id bring up that I was uncomfortable and didn’t honestly like her having text conversations with other men that were ‘friends’ because they were always of flirty nature...& she would stop for months each time...then start doing it again behind my back....they just honestly love the attention from Men and love to know that their ‘friends’ can’t have them but want them. Emotional cheating is still cheating and it is still hurtful. To all women out there who have more guy friends than girl friends cut the bullshit WE ALL KNOW these guy ‘friends’ have a very unplatonic agenda with you. I was never cool w/ it unless they were gay or unless I knew them too and was cool with them. If she was uncomfortable with introducing me to whoever I caught her talking to then it was automatically a problem...& she would turn it around on me & blame me that I didn’t trust her at all & was too insecure and jealous...honestly a woman talking to other men, when she’s in a serious romantic monogamous relationship, is a highly inappropriate and disrespectful action. Even giving your number out to other men that ask for it that isn’t a study partner in class or someone that it’s necessary they have it for work or something...is a super disrespectful action to commit also.
