The Resurrection & David's Son (Luke 20:27-44) — A Sermon by R.C. Sproul

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Have you ever wondered what the future holds for the people of God? What will life be like after
the resurrection of the dead? In this sermon, R.C. Sproul continues his series in the gospel of
Luke by examining Jesus’ teaching on the resurrection and on His identity as Lord of all.

This sermon was preached by R.C. Sproul at Saint Andrew's Chapel in Sanford, Fla. Hear more

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R C has the answers now! What a great expositor!


What a legacy this man has left for our world.


I always learn so much background knowledge to Bible contexts it changes my understanding so much, grateful for this.


I naturally assume everyone in Heaven will know each other; but even if we don't, we'll have forever to meet each other.




Jesus is Lord and His resurrection power is real. He has restored my life from ashes multiple times. Obey His commands.


This is a wonderful sermon. Our fellowship with God and with each other through Christ will be perfected, deeper than its ever been and made possible by the death and resurrection of our Saviour and His sanctifying of us as His people. 🥰


"The Resurrection (Luke 23:50 – 24:12)"

Kind Sir...I am pleased you made this title of your video; on "Easter Sunday"...It brings tears...(Sorry for the EXTREMELY long "comment". But I DO believe it NEEDS to be espoused)...

The "Resurrection" is a Heavenly "Miracle of Miracle's"; called the "Resurrection of Jesus"; who is the ONLY true God there will ever be. And I Know of no other miracle; that could come close to this "Unfathomable" reality on planet earth. Praise Jesus.

And most ALL Born Again; KNOWS it happened (literally) 'circa 2, 000 yrs ago. And still an "Extraordinaire" to the "Nth" degree; since that Resurrection of Jesus took place. And why we celebrate every Easter Sunday. And Praise Jesus' Holy Name...

...Yet, never forget that there are 2 more "resurrections" that are going to occur; but 1, 000 yrs apart. Thus the first resurrection that is to come; is the "drawing-up" of EVERY Born Again (dead AND alive); where Jesus "Raptures" His children. Taking us into the air; and then into the Old Heaven. Wow! Hallelujah! To the highest Mountains...

But the "NON" Born Again's (dead and alive) will NOT be "resurrected" (But it "AINT" no "Rapture" for sure); until 1, 000 yrs go by. Then they too; will be drawn-up to the Old Heaven. But never forget this...

2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years (on earth), and a thousand years as one day (IN Heaven)..

So, although it is 1, 000 yrs literally on earth; to us it will be ONLY one day; before "they" come to the Old Heaven too. And then Jesus will commence the "Great White Throne" Court. Where Jesus is the quintessential, "Honorable" Judge on "Judgment Day". And his 24 elders (in essence a "Jury of our peers"). Sadly, their verdict will be...

"ALL ARE GUILTY OF SINS, FROM BIRTH TO DEATH" (and that meant it applied to the 24 Jurors also!). And the punishment is: ALL will be cast into Hell. But....HOLD ON!...

Jesus said, that ANY one who would believe IN Him; they shall NOT perish in hell; but have Everlasting Life"...

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish (in hell), but have everlasting life.

And immediately; Jesus commands His Angels to separate the Born Again ("Sheep") from the NON Born Again's ("goats"). Then the Angels move us to the right arm of Jesus. And the rest on his left arm. And...With one powerful left hand swoop, of Jesus; He instantly casts them into a "Burning Lake of Fire". AKA: Hell "Finis!...

Matthew 25:33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

And then Jesus commands His Angels to usher US into the New Earth, which has a New Heaven, and a New Jerusalem; supporting a New Holy Temple (but..."NOT built by the hands of man").

Then Jesus removes the "flesh and blood" from our Old Bodies. And He gives us a New Body; that is 100% Spiritual for the first time. And Jesus gives US a New name; that NO one else will ever know. And finally; Jesus will give US a New Life that is called, "Everlasting Life" in the New Heaven. Where in...

Revelation 21:4 And Jesus shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

And a Heavenly "Wedding" commences: Where Jesus is the "Groom" and we are the "Bride"; and the Heavenly Wedding: will fulfill this...Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall become one flesh.

Thus, we become ONE "Spirit" with Jesus; and we too will be "Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent"; Forever and Ever. Praise Jesus' Holy Name...

...In any case Brethren, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!


His little blue book on the crucifixion changed me.


My Redeemer lives !

Jesus Christ is risen !


This marriage question has been difficult for me. As I grow in Christ it gets easier💜


I don't understand. In this sermon R. C. preached from Luke 20, not Luke 23.


He didn’t already have the name of Jesus. He had the name Yahshua


guys this is the wrong video!! u preached on luke 20, not the ressurection


Wow, that was disappointing to hear about his wife. I hope she was joking. Of course we will not be married in heaven. It straight out says that. And I am glad for it! It's bad enough not having the blessing of marriage here. I can't imagine feeling so left out in heaven as well!
