Age doesn’t define you - Global Campaign to Combat Ageism - #AWorld4AllAges

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This film takes you on a journey through experiences of ageism across the life course, showing how ageism affects everyone, everywhere. The film encourages us to reflect on our own thoughts, feelings, and actions towards age and ageing, and aims to spark conversations and actions to eliminate ageism and create #AWorld4AllAges​.

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I look younger than my chronological age. No one has an issue until they realize how old I am. Then the trouble begins. I'm tired of always hiding my age.


Thank you, this is excellent in encompassing all aspects of ageism. I want to join the movement. When it comes to discrimination against older people, I often read, "Discriminating against older adults is discriminating against your future self, if you are lucky to reach that age."


Ageism is still so overlooked and implicitly accepted. It's not seen as a 'thing' and no attention is directed towards it, yet ageing is one of the things that every single human being has in common. It's weird that in a time where people are supposedly so accepting, progressive etc., ageism is still alive and well. It doesn't have the stigma that, IMO, it should have given that it's no more acceptable than any other form of discrimination.


Clearly ageism stereotyping can affects us all no matter our age. We need to fight being defined by a number. We must stop defining people by their chronological age but define people on how they function. A number does not define us!


I totally agree. Age does not define us! I'm 55 and still do and act like I'm in my 30's. Life is a journey and one that we are destined to take. Live, be happy with your age and don't let it define you.


I have lived in the same apartment building for 19 years. I have seen many people rent here and then move away from here. A few of the 20 somethings and only one person in her early 30s have talked down to me in a sickly sweet and condescending voice.

This one woman in her 30s who recently moved in - compared me to her grandmother. I said that I was neither a mother or a grandmother - that I am an individual and prefer to be regarded as an individual.

She said that her grandmother, who had Alzheimer’s disease, had permanently damaged her/the apartment renter hearing by hitting her over the head with a heavy object.

I feel that the way her older relatives treated this woman is affecting how she treats Me now.

She has decided that older people do Not have rights in this building. Although for 19 years no tenant ever put personal objects in either the upstairs or downstairs hallways, She decided that She is the Only one allowed to Decorate those public spaces. The apartment manager is siding with her because NEW tenants can do no wrong.

She is Not the kind of person you can ask to modify her behavior. I already tried that. She is the only one who has rights here.

I just have to have the patience to Outlast this new tenant.


I always thought it was middle aged folks and older who get discriminated against for their age, but apparently teens can get treated bad because of their age too. Some people are just plain ageist against anyone that’s not close to their age number. What has the cruel world come to?!


Great video. I’m very pleased to see it covered both sides, young and old.👍🏻


Clearly against all labels that sadly are society put on people, people are people. Not a product, not a object. Everyone has a purpose and plan for their life that God has. Each of us have a role in the story of life.


When I was in my 40s, I still looked "25" (whatever that means lol). At least, this is what people told me when they discovered my real age. And I could tell they thought I was young by how they stare at me so much, how they present themselves to me as being much more receptive, eager, happy, etc. Because, like a lot of human interaction, it's based on attraction. I had very young girls, definitely under 20 years old, flirting with me, smiling, etc. (Albeit, I'm autistic, mostly asexual, so I rarely interact with people, go on dates, or anything like that.)

I still remember one agency that recruits people to work odd jobs for other companies, they were so eager to see me, then I told them my age and the look on the guy's face just immediately shrank, as if I told him I'm a cripple and can't walk, or blind, or some other extreme disability. Although if any of those things were true, they'd simply hide their disappointment, but when it comes to age, people don't even try. Because it IS "the last acceptable bias."


Why the world is so concerned about transphobia, homophobia when ageism is the rampant issue?


A fact of life is that over 60% of the people you meet will see you for who you are. . . About 10 of those people will see you as a person they want to see. . . At about 30 of those people will see you as something that they want you to be. . .

Be yourself. . .

in the grand scheme of things, age is only the clock that hangs on the wall reminding you what time it is. . .


If no comments, move on./ First make yourself your best ally. Getting old is a great victory, not everyone can do it.


remember these 2 phrases
"Age is just a number"
"Love is Love"
Now find the ultimate conclusion of these within the same ideology.


Yeah. I agree with it. Thanks to WHO for this video & the topic.


Wonderful video. We have to be able to acknowledge but see past ones age versus their attributes.


Thank you. Wonderful and poignant <3


The most powerful people in the world are senior citizens. The lack of ageism in important roles is the reason we’re living with failed ideas from the past.


The problem is that companies need to understand this is not the 1950s where you could keep one job and keep moving up. Jobs are unstable and entire industries and careers disappear rapidly. So people will be changing careers and companies at an older age.


Nobody thinks about ageism as an issue until they wake up one day and they are told by an HR recruiter that they are "overqualified" for a job. It is the one form of discrimination that everyone will one day face.
