Not a Single Bible Verse Teaches a Pre-Tribulation Rapture // THE RAPTURE & ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS

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MARANATHA Global Bible Study // The Rapture and the Endurance of the Saints
Episode 3: Not a Single Bible Verse Teaches a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Mobilization Initiative

Maranatha End-Times Summit

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I have been sharing with my mom and brother what I am discovering. I read to them what I see clearly, and they don't know what to say: people don't want to suffer. They can't conceive the idea that they will die for the cause of Christ. ALL my Christian community believes in Pre-tribulation, and I have felt lonely knowing I must be prepared to die for my Saviour. Thank you so much for your video. I appreciate all the comments, as I no longer feel as alone.


No coincidence 2wks ago, before hearing this teaching today, the Lord jumped my eyes to 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52 during a completely different text the pastor was reading. Then the Lord directed me to all the other Scriptures you used in this teaching . He walked me through all this in the last 2wks, then I heard you today. Nothing like God's confirming voice. Amazing love how can it be?


I have been attacked badly by trying to spread this awareness as well as the Middle East beast please pray they listen and wake up maranatha brothers & sisters


When I was 12 years old I read my old family Bible. Was told not to read revelation but it was already to late. Read it and understood the same way you have. The Bible also said a lot of avoiding calling anyone father. For you have only one father the Creator of all. Marinatha YAH bless all his children Amen HalleluYAH HalleluYAH HalleluYAH HalleluYAH


“Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬ ‭KJV‬‬


100 % agree, after years of confusing teaching on a pre tribulation rapture that I could never understand! Thank you!


Why wouldn't we suffer as Jesus did. Is tye servant better than the True King


Thank you for breaking it down, I’m a new Christian and I have been struggling to buy into the pre trib rapture this is what I’ve gathered as well


so glad you are embarking on this such an important journey. I started my journey with Jesus and the Holy Spirit in 1972 and after a great start. ignorantly embraced all of the The pre-trib the once saved always saved. this was in orange county with Chuck Smith Maranatha music etc. The thing that I always got me was that every one seemed to have these doctrines also had very loose lifestyles sex drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, and I when I got divorced in 1983 1985 was backslidden too. and after three horrible years of stupidity and grief and anger, I realized through reading my Bible that so much what I’ve been taught What is not true. It was a long journey back but in the last 20 years I’ve been reading the Bible and ignoring what so many others were teaching and embracing. I found myself denying so much of what I have been taught. I am so grateful for this series .So many people who claim Messiah dont even read the Bible they just listen to their Pastor. And I will not even start that ridiculous conversation. All of the points that you bring up are really really great I’ve discovered most of them myself except Satan as the restrainer, very interesting, I will definitely look into thatI’m looking forward to when you address Matt 13:49-50 which obviously addresses those who are taken! I don’t think that according to this verse you really want to be taken! Read it everyone!!
Thanks guys keep it up .
Thanks John


Before I started watching videos about arguments for a mid-trib and post-trib, I was hopeful for a pre-trib. When I began believing in anything other than a pre-trib, I had panic attacks (which I'm accustomed to). However, I realized I had to harden my thoughts and feelings and "grow a spine" to the truth of this video, so I'm fine with what is being said here- a "post-trib" gathering to Jesus. Another good news is we don't know when the tribulation starts, which gives me more time to get tough about life in the tribulation. Thanks so much for clearing this up for me.


I was a young youth director, About 50 years ago. My Youngsters wanted to study the Rapture and the last days, And the coming of the Lord. So, like so many of You, I took bible in hand, a pad of paper, A good concordance, and put my nose to the grindstone. Setting aside all presuppositions, I came to the shocking conclusion that there was just one grand event. That was in 1977. When you get it on your own, you really get it.


If you want to be saved, believe that Jesus is who he says he is, that he died for all of our sins, was buried, and on the third day rose from the dead. Whosoever shall believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For we are saved by grace through faith and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. Have a blessed night, everyone, I love you all, and stay safe!


Thank you. God showed me this was enemy deception once I was saved. I teach on it and get so much backlash, every so often I need to be reminded that I am understanding scripture and this topic. Everything you said is what God taught me.


At 62 yah revealed the truth regarding the rapture deception to me. This teaching cemented the truth thank you so much. We need to prepare to endure through the tribulation.


Amen this guy gets it hoping everyone that watches us does also be prepared those who endure to the end will be saved, !!🙏🏻


The Lord Jesus is coming back immediately AFTER the tribulation (Matthew 24:29-31)


Amen. I was a dispensationlist for 30 years. But I read Bible for myself! And let scripture be my guide, and not a movie, books, or another person, and it’s clear, there is no pre tribulation rapture.


As I wrote this a dove flew directly at my car landed in front of it and lingered a moment before flying away - UPRIGHT
I am in tears as to how GOOD MY GOD IS


If you want to stay here during the Tribulation you can choose to!
Personally, I lean to the blessed hope doctrine!❤


You’ve Made This Is Perfectly Clear; Thanks 🙏🏽
