Demo Lesson about Colors | English Lessons | ESL Japan

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Hello there! Nice to see you here! Hope the songs and activities on this video help you on your demo lesson! Goodluck!

Age Group: 2-5 years old / Toddlers-Preschool who are learning English for the first time)
Target Vocab: Colors (I covered at least 4 colors in this video; red, orange, yellow and green)
Grammar: What's this? It's a (red) apple.
Movement Activity: Finding an object that matches the color card.
Materials: Food flashcards, color flashcards, classroom objects, song props

Songs used:
⭐️ Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
⭐️ Hello Song
⭐️ I See Something Blue by SuperSimpleSongs
⭐️ Bubble Bubble Pop
⭐️ Goodbye Song

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