Emoticons Are Changing Our Brains!

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Technology is changing, and more and more people are communicating with emoticons. But are these emoticons changing our brains? Anthony reports on an interesting new study that shows how we're starting to perceive emoticons as real facial expressions.
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Emoticons in Mind: An Event-Related Potential Study
"It is now common practice, in digital communication, to use the character combination :-), known as an emoticon, to indicate a smiling face."
Pareidolia: Seeing Faces in Unusual Places
"To some observers, it looked like an ordinary grilled cheese sandwich."
Pareidolia on Reddit
"There is an universal tendency among mankind to conceive all beings like themselves, and to transfer to every object, those qualities, with which they are familiarly acquainted, and of which they are intimately conscious."
Happy Days: Human Brain Now Registers Smiley Face Emoticon As Real Facial Expression
"Cultural use of emoticons has managed to reprogramme people's brains to respond as if were a real human face, new research found."
Occipito Temporal Sulcus
"The Occipito Temporal Sulcus is the 4th temporal sulcus running antero posteriorly."
Emoticon Language is 'Shaping the Brain'
"Emoticons such as smiley faces are a new language that is changing our brain, according to new Australian research published in the journal Social Neuroscience."
Face Recognition by Humans: Nineteen Results All Computer Vision Researchers Should Know About
"Increased knowledge about the ways people recognize each other may help to
guide efforts to develop practical automatic face-recognition systems."
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Texting Ruins Relationships
TestTube Wild Card
How Does the Internet Work?
Read More:
Emoticons in Mind: An Event-Related Potential Study
"It is now common practice, in digital communication, to use the character combination :-), known as an emoticon, to indicate a smiling face."
Pareidolia: Seeing Faces in Unusual Places
"To some observers, it looked like an ordinary grilled cheese sandwich."
Pareidolia on Reddit
"There is an universal tendency among mankind to conceive all beings like themselves, and to transfer to every object, those qualities, with which they are familiarly acquainted, and of which they are intimately conscious."
Happy Days: Human Brain Now Registers Smiley Face Emoticon As Real Facial Expression
"Cultural use of emoticons has managed to reprogramme people's brains to respond as if were a real human face, new research found."
Occipito Temporal Sulcus
"The Occipito Temporal Sulcus is the 4th temporal sulcus running antero posteriorly."
Emoticon Language is 'Shaping the Brain'
"Emoticons such as smiley faces are a new language that is changing our brain, according to new Australian research published in the journal Social Neuroscience."
Face Recognition by Humans: Nineteen Results All Computer Vision Researchers Should Know About
"Increased knowledge about the ways people recognize each other may help to
guide efforts to develop practical automatic face-recognition systems."
Watch More:
Texting Ruins Relationships
TestTube Wild Card
How Does the Internet Work?