Απίθανο γλυκό ψυγείου με κρέμα, μπισκότο και ζελέ!

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1 συσκευασία μπισκότα πτι μπέρ
2 φακελάκια κρέμα ζαχαροπλαστικής
4 φλιτζάνια κρύο γάλα
1 φακελάκι ζελέ φράουλα
Νερό βραστό για το ζελέ

I’m Eva Filippopoulou food journalist and make up artist and I seriously LOVE to cook! Welcome to Dessert Talking, where I’ll share with you tidbits about my cooking!

I’ve always loved to bake — especially when chocolate is involved. As a kid I would whip up cakes from scratch in my Easy Bake Oven, just experimenting to figure out what would taste good. As I’ve grown up, and started using a real oven, I can’t quite kick the habit. I love to make new things. I love to make things I’ve already made hundreds of times before. Nowadays, I love to share what I make — so I take pictures and write about it.

All photos and content on The Dessert Talking is copywrited property of The Dessert Talking Permission must be granted for any re-use of pictures, or word-for-word recipes or text. Please contact Mary for permission before using any content found here.
Рекомендации по теме

Τη δροσιά και τη γλύκα του νάχεις ❗
Μόνο που το είδα δροσίστηκε το φυλλοκάρδι μου ❗
