Rhaenyra Targaryen's Gruesome Death and Here's What Happened #rhaenyratargaryen

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Rhaenyra Targaryen, Dance of the Dragons, Iron Throne claim, Aegon II Targaryen, Great Council of 101 AC, Game of Thrones history, Targaryen civil war, House of the Dragon, Westeros lore, George R.R. Martin, Maegor with teats, Stannis Baratheon quote, Black vs Green, Rhaenyra legitimacy, ASOIAF history, Targaryen succession, Greens vs Blacks debate, King Viserys I, House Velaryon, Rhaenyra vs Aegon II, Crown usurpation, Rhaenyra traitor debate, Westerosi politics, Rhaenyra’s death, historical bias GOT, Targaryen queens, Game of Thrones lore debate.
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The best narration about her death is still Joffrey's 😅


Hearing the narration bring shivers. I am imagining how painful the scene will be to watch in series😢


Aegon surely knew how to make some epic vengance: "Mayhaps if they look in 7 hells." 👍


Anybody else notice how the show kinda showed the dislike ser Alfred Broome has for rhaenyra already after he tried constantly argued at council and then tried to get daemon to betray her in the finale looks like we now know his intentions


Ahhh...I don't want that to happen to her!


This story is true I read books, poor
Aegon 3rd The Young witness his
Mom the Queen Rhaenerya died, Aegon Dragon Sunfryer is supposed to be weak and lost one of His Wing but yea He is supposed to kill Queen Rhaenerya Targaryen for sure recording to books to set Her on fired thanks to King Aegon 2nd Her half Brother who got Sunfryer to kill His Sister even though
Sunfryer was not supposed to kill Rhaenerya since She is a Targaryen but the Dragon was starving, and He smells her blood and burns her to kill her supposedly to eat her Up while
Rhaenerya & Damon Son Aegon 3rd watches
His Mom got killed by a Prince golden dragon
Sunfryer, Ever since Aegon 3rd who is
Rhaenerya & Damon have hated Dragons
since the day his Mom was killed by a Dragon He has been traumatized having those nightmares seeing over, and over in his
dreams getting burned, and killed by that

Aegon 3rd has hated all dragons, He never
got over it, since his Mom was killed by Sunfryer when Aegon 3rd got older as new King He ordered to burn all those dragons Up in their cages chained Up recording to books that's why don't see no dragons on Night Of 7 Kingdoms which you won't see by Sir Duncan and Egg whose real name will be Aegon 5th in the next two generations.

But yea! Damon & Rhaenerya Son
Aegon 3rd was afraid of dragons and
hated Dragons at the same time ever since
He saw his Mom being killed by one,
now He did kinda like dragons when
He first rode his own baby dragon but
I think Aegon's 3rd dragon was killed
which is why He is calling Aegon the
Young broken and fact He witness on
what has happened to his Mom.

Anyhow before his Uncle King Aegon 2nd
was killed, He did not have no Males ares
to pass on to his Crown down to Iron Thone
I mean His poor little Prince was killed
by Bandits a long time ago.

But unfortunately yea, Damon & Rhaenerya
Son together will become King of the Iron


She really didn't deserve to go like that


Cant wait to see Emma's acting at this moment 🔥🔥🔥


Can’t wait for team black reactors to see it


Such a huge dragon took 6 bites to consume her


She wasn’t the realm’s delight .
She was hated the entire year she ruled


Where is this found? Haven't heard this before????


I don't think it happened like they say in the book. I think she went across the narrow sea.


The time for hiding is done. Let the ravens fly that the realm may know the pretender is dead, and their true king is coming home to reclaim his father's throne.


She fed people to her dragon and end up being dragon food


It seems like America atm... "we want this leader, no wait they suck so let's try this woman, or wait she sucks, let's let this person in charge again, oh dear they're awful again" And on and on... 😂😂


I really hope they reverse this in the show n make her win since aegon is so hated along wit the whole green team


I thought Targaryen's couldn't die by fire? Or is it only the dragons fire that can kill them? Daenerys would always survive fire in GOT. I'm so confused. Somebody help me understand.


At least Rhaenyra triumphs through her son Aegon “The Dragonbane” who won the Iron Throne for her. Her bloodline prevailed as her younger half brother Aegon “The C**t Usurper” bloodline ends with his daughter Jaehaera who NEVER had children with Rhaenyra’s son. Aegon the 2nd died pathetic via poisoning and NOT a true dragon rider’s death. Rhaenyra won in death because of her son Aegon “The Dragonbane”. Jokes on Aegon the 2nd’s supporters as their “rightful king” was NOTHING but a true usurper and pretender and Queen Rhaenyra IS and WILL ALWAYS BE the rightful Queen of the seven kingdoms. No amount of insufferable and unjust sexism and misogyny can change that fact. So misogynists can cry and cope harder with that bitter truth. Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen IS the true heir and rightful Queen of the seven kingdoms! Lol!!😂 👑🖤
