I BECAME SABRINA CARPENTER aka I sewed her looks

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RIP, Bzelda. Hearing Micarah talk about her made me cry, too. Pets are pets, whether they're chickens or dogs or cats or lizards. There's something so special about the bond that an animal is capable of forming with their favorite human and there's something so painful about outliving them, even when we know it's inevitable. And there's something very beautiful in having her feathers used to line the nests that will shelter a new generation of songbirds, too.


"Ew. Turns out my skin tone looks bad on me. That shouldn't be possible" has me ROLLING 😂


I like how we all guessed this was coming when she cut her bangs


I'm so sorry your sweet chicken Bzelda passed away. Our pets should never die. I've already told my dog he's not allowed to because I don't know how I would have survive without him. I had a goldfish Paolo I was very attached to. It feels a little silly to say that about a goldfish but I had him for over five years and he was the best goldfish ever. He would do a happy dance when he saw me, swim to the surface, and eat from my hand. Once I had a friend goldfish-sit when I was on vacation and he said Paolo moped the whole time. Some creatures are just very special. ❤


*She's working late 'cause she's a SINGER!*


Genius Micarah move, putting in contacts for the first outfit reveal just to wear sunnies, maximalist to the core, no shortcuts


Nephew harassing the turkeys was my favorite part of the video lol "What are you laughing at?!"


It took me so long to figure out you called the chicken "Grandma", I was like what do you mean your grandma flew over the fence😭


I hope Sabrina ends up watching this. You are so dang talented!


I lost my rabbit Burrito of nearly 12 years a few weeks ago. He's been widowed three times and each time was so painful for me trying to comfort him and find him a new partner while grieving myself, I really empathize with that difficult experience. All I want to do is talk about Burrito to my friends and hold those memories, but people are quick to dismiss the loss of a pet, especially one that isnt a dog or a cat. I also lost my grandfather this year, but losing Burrito hurts in a deeper way. He's been my only companion for over a decade (I live alone) so my daily routines are changed forever. Its the lonliest feeling having no one else to understand and share that grief. Thank you for sharing your love of Bzelda with us, it makes me feel a little less alone in my grief for my baby Burrito. I'm so sorry Micarah, my heart aches for you. Sending you a warm hug, because that's really all I wish someone would have given me. Your love is so special


I also wish to see Respectable Me 4, Miles has great taste honestly 4:57


"I guess her give a clucks were on vacation" that made me laugh more than it should have💀😭


Ok but is no one gonna talk about how cool the hand holding sculpture was?? Dan is so talented what the heck


RIP Bzelda. ❤️ I've never been a huge animal lover, I spook easily around animals, but I adore everytime we see your magical relationships with animals. They're so loved by you and clearly love you back.


Bzelda was a star in your videos and I loved seeing her. I am so excited to see Grandma make me fall in love with her just like Bzelda did. (I hope sweetie Tonto is doing well)


You've got the kind of talent that doesn’t just turn heads; it spins them around in awe. It's like you've found the secret code to creativity, and every time you unlock it, the world gets a little more extraordinary. Keep doing what you do—you’re a walking masterpiece! —RIP Bzelda ❤


I too have cried over a chicken! I used to work at the Creation Museum, and we had a tiny black chicken named Moe. She was just the friendliest. Her daughter Cluck-cluck was just like her, she’d coming running when you called her, and cluck at your feet until you crouched down so she could snuggle in your hands.


I'm 30 years old and have suffered from depression and anxiety my whole life. I am amidst the most unbearable time of my life right now and i watch your videos on repeat to help me survive. Thank you for uploading.

RIP Bzelda, she brought so much joy and was so loved. Sending you love Micarah. I appreciate that your videos are a place for escapism, but be kind to yourself and grieve as hard as you need ❤


wow, pink fabric won out the instagram poll over blue! what a surprise!!! (iykyk)


2:50 She will forever be in our hearts 🤧🫶🏻
