Is it Cheap to Start a Veggie Garden? COST OF LIVING PART 2

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Is it cheap to start a veggie garden? In this video, I share thoughts, tips, and tricks to get started affordable as possible in your garden!
Please also share your thoughts, tips and tricks in the comments below to help others get started!

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I buy 1 large bag of rooster booster pellets every couple of yrs.
In a clean 2lt milk bottle I half fill it with pellets the fill bottle with water.
Shake, cap off and let it sit shaking and mixing it up when I remember.
To use
In another milk bottle I pour a small amount of rooster booster liquid in then fill with water, cap and shake to make a liquid fertiliser. I water plants first wait a few mins the pour booster on plants.
Most of my plants are in recycled pots so I don't need to use a lot.


Again, awesome video Marty. I appreciate what you are doing which is helping people. I'm 47, but have been gardening since I was 3 because of my grandmother. I love gardening always have because it's therapeutic, useful and learning gardening is limitless!! Have a good one, God bless 🙌 🙏 😊


Morning Marty and followers. Re the foam boxes I add either plain cardboard or sheets of newspaper. To insides of the foamies and in your vid underneath the boxand acts as a micro barrier if when the box breaks down. Or Old water based paint or a sandy mortar slurry. Other option I use is cut the bottom off the bigger plastic pots sit on top of your bales. Turning now to cheap but efficient liquid nutrition I put weeds & grass clippings. Into bucket s or blue drums with rainwater. Give a stir every now and end. Kills any seeds no mozzies the use the liquid in watering can the solid Left over goes to the worm farms or compost tumbler. Experience shows better than season etc and cheap. Don't throw radish leaves fennel or cucumber leaves in as they contain growth inhibitor toxin's much like gum leaves . Hope this helps


I most definitely have found all sorts of stuff in those bags ranging from plastic glass and Reo mesh. I still buy them and do exactly what you did on this great video. Haven't found any nasties recently so hopefully they have sorted that out.


your videos are getting more interesting..


Marty. Starting from seeds in a cold frame. Use recycled glass panel door for lid. Build sides with recycled bricks, concrete blocks or wood. In sunny location the soil will warm up to plant the seeds in. As seedlings grow the door can be cracked open to ventilate. Maybe this will help someone reading comments. Can also be used for consecutive plantings. Hope people try their hand at saving seeds.


Thank you Marty for this video. I think it’s very pertinent to the times we’re living in now. With the Dockworkers at the US ports on strike, food is going to be depleted on our shelves at the grocery store. I would love to see you continue this gardening series using seeds, scrap produce, with some items you do need to buy right now or items you have at home. Thank you!!


I tried the bale growing method but the ants thought I was building hi-rise apartments for them, so be careful if you live in an area with a huge ant infestation.


I made two wonderful wicking beds a few years ago out of my boundary fences that were being replaced. The expense was in the lining, piping, gravel etc., but they've been well worth it for the yield, the simple pleasure of gardening in them and not having to water as much!


Marty you should visit peoples gardens to share their ways and experiences, and their opinion on how to survive this cost of living crisis . Miss your camera girl 😂💚


You can regrow vegetables from cuttings or from the roots.😊


Hi Marty, will you be releasing some sort of spreadsheet or summary of cost vs yield over time? I think that would be a fun experiment for this project and we can see the decrease in cost and increase in yield over time as you collect seeds from previous harvests etc.


If you have a sealed foam box make a wicking bed using the lid and use the off cuts to prop up the false floor.


Thanks for inspiring us. I love your garden


I agree gardening isn't cheap but I think it brings many benefits to you and other people that you are around. Sometimes I feel like I should stop because of the expense but I know that it brings its benefits with time. I try to do things in the healthiest way possible that I can afford.


Marty id luv to have u as a guest 9r collaborate to chat about some topic's in the garden. My waynis good fo4m the environment and good for the consumer.


Most of my veg seedlings come from a little open compost. I save whatever seeds I want to grow but yes I do buy a few seed packets from the local hardware.
I’ve been growing ginger in the same foam container (exactly like yours) since about 2019. If I hadn’t kept it going then I’d be guilty of another plastic (foam) in landfill that still had years of use.
If people are just going one tomato plant in the very corner of their yard, unit garden or possibly street/park, that’s $4.90-$9 per kg they aren’t giving to offshore companies (Cole’s, Woolworths) that make $$billions$$ in profit every year.


Buy a punnet of heirloom lettuce from Bunnings. Then let 1 each of your favs go to seed. You will never buy lettuce seeds or seedlings again. I find most of the seeds if nitvall will germinate. In ground and in pots. Full sun and shade. Lettuce for a lifetime 🌱


I think growing your own food is pretty affordable, but it depends on the space you have. If you’ve got enough room, planting directly in the ground can save you the cost of buying things like foam boxes or planters. Personally, Another awesome video, thanks Marty!


Gardening isn't cheap but, growing food is FREE.
I went to Bunning yesterday and got those food-grade 8 x 20L buckets for $9.84, not $14.79 RRP.
Coco pro potting mix was 4 for $52 ( 30L per bag. )
Tomato seed $3.90
