JUC U.S. East 2015 - Chat Ops and Jenkins
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By: Will Soula, Drilling Info
Drilling Info uses chat ops everyday. This talk will be about the exciting, new realm of chat ops in software development and how to use it with Jenkins, as well as ways Drilling Info is using it. Come learn what chat ops entails and how chat ops can deliver information to your team as well as teach new members about your processes. This presentation will also go over some of the more popular frameworks like Slack (Slackbot and slash commands), Hubot and Jenkins bot and how to use them to interact with Jenkins, as well as how to extend them to do more. When the information being shared is in the middle of the conversation, everyone knows what is going on.
Drilling Info uses chat ops everyday. This talk will be about the exciting, new realm of chat ops in software development and how to use it with Jenkins, as well as ways Drilling Info is using it. Come learn what chat ops entails and how chat ops can deliver information to your team as well as teach new members about your processes. This presentation will also go over some of the more popular frameworks like Slack (Slackbot and slash commands), Hubot and Jenkins bot and how to use them to interact with Jenkins, as well as how to extend them to do more. When the information being shared is in the middle of the conversation, everyone knows what is going on.