Power On + Power Off Stalls - Aborted Takeoffs - Pattern Work OH MY! | PPL Flight Training IRL

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. We back from another flight lesson with student pilot David, who is working toward his private pilot license. We've come a long way documenting this aviation training series. He's really understanding the flight lessons and picking up on the piloting techniques. Soon enough it'll be his first solo, and we have some things to go over before that time.

0:00 | Intro
So as you see there, today we’re going to get out of the pattern and reemphasize angle of attack, stalls, stall recovery, go arounds, and so on. Because David is getting so close to solo, I really want this to be drilled home for him. Plus, it’ll only help him in finally getting those landings down.

2:55 | Power On — Takeoff & Departure Stall
I do my stalls in a series. The configuration for all the slow flight and stall maneuvers start with the same power setting (1600 in this case) and carb heat. Maintain altitude, and we slow down. First, we do a Power On — Takeoff & Departure Stall.

8:40 | Power Off — Approach & Landing Stall
David and I have a quick discussion on why a power off, approach to landing stall may be easier. Because we aren’t getting the left turning tendencies we were getting in a low airspeed, high power situation, things are a bit more mellow. But we still need to learn how to recover from the stall.

11:43 | The Other Senses of Stall
A new student pilot only has so many hours in which to learn stick and rudder skills. Believe it or not, the 5 senses are a huge part of that ‘hand in glove’ type flying. We aren’t being driven by the airplane. Rather, we should be one with it, relying on all of our senses to get the big picture.

13:33 | Back in the Pattern
Now we’re going to bring everything back to the pattern again, and see how those stall exercises helped with David’s landings.

18:48 | Abort Takeoff Before Rotation
Now we’ll talk about an aborted takeoff. If for whatever reason David needs to do this on his own when soloing, I want him to have some experience doing it.

23:23 | Abort Takeoff After Rotation
What happens if you’ve already lifted off and need to abort your takeoff? Here’s what you need to do.

#flighttraining #flying #aviation
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What do you look for in a quality flight instructor? How do you learn best? Add #flighttraining #flying #aviation to your comment for a chance to win merch.


One thing that I fought with during my training in the pattern was that my CFI would change his verbiage from lesson to lesson. One day it would be “less power” and the next day it would be “pull it back”. When your in ground effect, any delay in understanding can be costly. Now that I’m a CFI, I establish a list of commands on the ground so my students know what I mean at that moment in time so there is no confusion.

Great videos, Chris! Would love to fly with you here in Southern Oregon or up in your area!


When it comes to an instructor I have had a series of them. I started off with a CFI that has been flying since he was 17 he was 25, when I started as a student I was 44. The guy talked down to me, made fun of me when I didn't know something or remembered something. I understand he was eager to get to the airlines but he teaching style was chaotic. He would tell me to prepare for a lesson on say...stalls and falls, and we would then not talk about it at all we would the engine. On a day to day basis I was left guessing what the lesson would be. We were supposed to be following the Jeppesen syllabus but it really wasn't. I asked for another instructor when he made fun of me in front of the a group of pilots standing in the office. I got paired up with two different instructors after that, one CFI the other a CFII. The CFI flew for the regionals and was a very Zen like teacher. Remember Chevy Chase in Caddyshack "Be the Ball..." that was the guy. The second was a former Navy NFO. His style was very different, he did lots of explaining and even painted runways on the grass to practice approaches and pretend we were talking to ATC. Between the two of them there was lots of communication, I talked on the phone to the zen guy all the time. I knew what to expect, and we went over it when in the air. Hands on, visual, and at least a structured lesson is what worked for me. I can read all the instructions, and study hard, but going out and doing it with the CFI is what worked for me. Being with a guy that seemed like he was else where and couldn't wait to get out the cockpit and on to his next lesson didn't work for me.


Brother, if I could afford to come up to Homer for flight training, there would be no other flight instructor I would want except for you! You are great at what you do. Happy New Year. 🎉


You know learning has occurred when you recognize and call out your own mistakes. Great job and improvements were noticed!


Your way of instructing is my preferred way. Let the student make all the non-lethal, non-damaging mistakes in the world. After all, that’s the way the first pilots did it! #flighttraining #flying #aviation


The most helpful thing for me was always when my instructor would correlate different aspects of the flight together. For example, practicing slow flight for the hundredth time, then learning a soft field landing for the first time. Then having them show how slow flight and those last few seconds before touch down are basically the same thing. That always helped make it click for me. #flighttraining #flying #aviation


A good rule of thumb is before you go into a turn always lift your left wing and right wing up make sure no one is coming. I’m not an expert im student pilot myself it’s just something I was taught and it’s a good habit to get into. 👍🏼


This how a channel should be, from the intro to the content, unique simply amazing!! 😍


That was stunning Chris and loaded with information. Speaking as a non aviator I don’t think I’ve ever learned so much in one video.


My favorite instructor always pushed me to be better. To be precise in every maneuver. Always emphasized the importance of debriefing after every flight.


My instructor did a pretty serious stall demonstration on my first flight with him. It was definitely a "what was that!" moment. He wanted to get the scary stuff out the way as soon as possible lol


Chris, The last circuit was the best one! Yep, and you nailed it when you identified that were talking too much! My better instructor expected me
to be out and sitting in the aircraft ready to fly in fifteen minutes this included preflight and any squawks checked. I would be sitting in the left seat and waiting for him to emerge on the scene. Once in the aircraft he would was a passenger. All my calls and the first landing were on me! Then we would start the lesson.This exercise continued every lesson until I soloed. Hope this helps! I really enjoy your channel! Throttle On My Brother! mjb #flighttraining #flying #aviation


I have watched a lot of videos on flying and you are the best instructor I have seen. From Mississippi


My instructor became my friend and is still a close friend to this day. We literally text or talk on the phone every day.


I had a student who was unusually nervous coming slow down final approach. He said he was afraid of stalling at such a slow speed. We went back to the practice area. With me at the controls, I set up a nice, slow approach, half flaps just like we were flying in the pattern. I then, after warning him, put in some pretty extreme control inputs pulling the nose up and down, turning hard left and right and then continued on the slow final. I asked him if was going to do that when he was flying down final. He said "No way". "Good", I said, "then don't worry about stalling. He was rid of his anxiety just like that. I was happily surprised that worked so well.


My favorite teacher was always the one who was exacting, but not demeaning.


Positive attitude, always supporting. Here is how you can do it better.


Really enjoyed this video. Shortly after I soloed in a 152, I was practicing power on stalls and hung on the left rudder and in an instant I was spinning going to the ground. Fortunately, I did the right thing and survived. I got really close to the trees.


I love flying Alaska in FS2020. Im jealous David gets you as a teacher, and you get to see those views everyday.
