8 Signs that Your Cat Is Lonely - NEVER IGNORE 🔥

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Discover the signs of loneliness in your cat with this insightful video. From excessive meowing to destructive behavior, learn how to recognize the subtle cues that indicate your feline friend may be feeling isolated. Explore practical strategies to alleviate loneliness and ensure your cat's happiness and well-being. Watch now to deepen your understanding of your cat's emotional needs and strengthen your bond with your beloved pet.

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I was adopted in 2019 by a male cat abandoned when the owner moved. He was fine being an only child for over a year, but with my work schedule, it didn't last. Even though I always left a light and TV on and I always played with him, groomed him, snuggled with him, it wasn't enough. It seemed overnight he was bored, no longer playing, depressed and lethargic. I adopted a senior female orange tabby cat that was rescued and fostered with a litter of 6. When the kittens were homed, I brought her home, and instantly, both cats came to life. 2 years later, my 2nd cat's daughter ended up in the shelter, so I adopted her. All cats get equal attention and group play time. 5 litter boxes scooped daily and a playroom and everything cat throughout the house. Happy cats.


My senior rescue cat follows me from room to room when she is awake. I need to play with her more!


I lost one of my cats to cancer suddenly, the remaining cat started grooming excessively. Took to vet and told him I thought it was due to loss of other cat. He didn’t agree, about 2 months later I got a kitten. Amazingly no more bald cat


As a long time cat hooman with 5 indoor male cats, I make sure all 5 get equal amounts of attention. If one gets a back-rub, brushing, kiss, treat, or whatever, then everyone gets the same. They all know it and usually come out immediately to take part when one is interacting with me. If one or more fail to show up, I start looking to see why.


When I go out of town overnight to visit family, my husband spends extra time with our two cats reassuring them that 'Mommy will be back soon'. He says that our girl, in particular, roams around restlessly. She and the boy are definitely a bonded pair, but it's not the same as having the whole family at home. I miss them just as much and I never spend more than a couple of nights away.


I am happy to have found this chnnl, have 3 babies, but my wife of 45 years left me and took 2 of my babies. I have been a cat rescuer of cats that bother people. I love all cats, dogs, all pets my dad was part of the ASPCA for atleast 40 yrs. I got it from him. It breaks my heart to thing of a dog, cat, ect, cold and hungry, wet in the rain or snow. I lucky enough to be retired and able to do this. Take them to the vet for a check up and shots. Then find them a safe happy home. Most are peaple who recently lost a loved one. The can be a great sorce of happiness and fill the hole we all feel in thes times, its important to do a little reserch and get the rite pet for you. I have found that cats are a great sence of comfort for seniors, while dogs are more for like younger people who have tile to give them the love and security they need. Sorry about writing a novel. But i like to try to help people and loanly pets. We all need love thank you for the chnnl and listen to an old man ramble on. Much love and respect to all. 😻🐕 🐈 🙏. Be safe yall.


thx for this grate video, my cat is 21yrs old but acts like a lil kitten a lot of times he is a real snuggler at times he loves his toys and the kitchen window were he watches the deer and fox and some yotes i wont let him outside do to all the dangers out there but he just loves that window,


When I got my cat, she needed calm and peace. Now she's recovered from the cat drama of three other cats in a bedroom, she's nearly ready for a companion. I think she would have felt betrayed before, but now she's about teady.


I have a 2 cat household. However when I lost a cat a little more than a year ago my remaining cat got incredibly clingy with anyone until I was able (mentally) to get a kitten. He's back to normal now with his new friend. He just doesn't like being alone as best I can tell.


My cat doesn't play. She's very quiet. I wriggle wands etc.... but she might do one swipe then she'd done. She loves cardboard and shoe laces. But even then she never stays long. Her version of playing is she catches the show lace and airs there with it under her paw, or she catches it then runs away. She seems happy. I guess not all cats need lots of play. She comes to me throughout the day. She either says hello as she passes or asks for attention. All she wants is grooming and kisses lol. She spot a lap cat either but has her favourite spot in my room to be near me. I worried for ages but she really seems happy with life like this.


Grooming my cat daily has resulted in a very fine and beautiful fur. When my cat wants to play, she lightly bites at my feet. She also will often use her paw to gently pet my chin when I spend time petting her. If I accidentally overlook paying attention to her she becomes very vocal. Just as I start to fall asleep!


My girl is extremely talkative lately, I swear we are having a whole conversation! I meow back and must be doing it right cause she rubs against my legs and starts purring. I am on a budget when it comes to extra things, even for myself. I discovered the KitNip Box! I picked the $19.99 one. Every month new toys!! Not trying to sell it, just saying financially it works for me and she loves it!! Her best buddy passed away recently. She’s a Ragdoll and I brush her when she’s grooming if i have no I make time. Her buddy used to do that. I’d like to get another kitty but I’m not sure if she’d accept it.


Interesting content . I adopted my latest cat during the pandemic. My previous cat was 13… before she passed. Before that, I’d had a bonded pair. While they weren’t best buds they definitely had their moments. The cat I adopted most recently had been part of a colony. It took time for him to build trust, but I’ve had him 3+ years now . He seems very content being a single cat home. No behavioral issues at all. I’ve long wanted a 2nd just because I’ve had 2 before. But I wonder if that’s selfish of me.. because this one seems to thrive alone. I dunno what would happen if he suddenly had a companion. I can see him being perfectly fine or incredibly upset. No I’m between. He’s such a good boy I don’t wanna upset the apple cart


Cat lovers, beware! This video uncovers the subtle cues your feline friend may be dropping. Don't miss out on decoding their language of loneliness! 🐱❤


Interesting video, i knew most things that you mentioned, but not all. Thanks for sharing.😼💜


I just had to restart work after months of rehab for hip replacements. When I got back our cat was obsessed with smelling all my clothes and for some reason my right wrist. Then we had a wild catnip toy play session which included an accidental deep scratch on my hand! 😼😺😸


My cat is a Tuxedo, we have had him since a kitten. He loves to sleep in the day and play in the evening..


I really appreciate these videos thank you for sharing ❤️ 🎉


sometimes I have to leave my cat alone for 24-48 hours when I have to babysit my granddaughters occasionally and I leave him with a lot of food and water but I worry about him while I'm gone. I'm retired and can't afford a cat sitter.
