10 Things Rockstar Has Made IRRELEVANT in GTA Online!

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I feel like most people play this game solo and R* have realized this, thus the newer vehicles have weapons designed to be used while you're driving. I would say the biggest change in GTA Online is the transition away from trying to force people to play in groups.


I hate the original heist only because it makes you have for people. The modern GTA player can do all those heist by themselves. However, it is one of the most well put together series of heist I've ever seen in any game. They still really fun to do, and even after all these years, the cutscenes hold up, and emissions make sense. They were not just an excuse to sell you vehicles


I still like contact missions because you can more or less complete then however you like. They do remind of times though when I was so poor that I had to rob a store with an empty gun to get money to buy ammo for the next contact mission. Titan of a job definitely saved my early career.


I’m surprised Rockstar didn’t call the Toreador the Stromberg MK2 because that’s essentially what it is.


Y’all remember when the insurgent hydra etc where locked until you complete their specific heist?


Let's not forget that the Toreador also has access to the sonar (when purchased for the Kosatka) - whereas the Stromberg does not - meaning the Toreador can actually earn you 75k daily just for taking it underwater. Granted, if you mark the locations using the Kosatka, the Stromberg can find the packages, but it cannot use sonar itself to get you the precise location as you approach.


Surprisingly, the armored karuma and duke of death are still sorta useful after all this time. Sure they don’t tank explosives, but for missions being able to use them and not burn through snacks and armor is great


They should double the payout from the OG heists and contact missions from what it is now. Last week, when PacStan was double money, it was quite rewarding with 3.7 million payout overall.
The heists also shouldn't automatically fail, if one player drops out.


I started playing GTAO earlier this year (admittedly late to the party) and I used double reward contact missions to grind the money for a Kosatka... yet I have no regrets. It was some of the most fun I’ve had in GTA.

I’ve now done Cayo Perico enough times to buy any silly thing I want, yet I find myself doing the contact missions and OG heists more often just because they are more fun.

There is more to life than getting money as efficiently as possible, and the same is even more true in video games. Having fun with mediocre rewards is more appealing to me than min-maxing rewards in a way that becomes stale and repetitive.

It would be nice for older heists and contact missions to have better rewards, but they are still engaging enough on their own to be worthwhile.


The doomsday heist, as for monetary gain, is probably one of the worst ways to gain money because of how long the setups take and, especially on the third act, a very difficult finale. However, the doomsday heist is my favorite heist because of how fun it is--- I'll never forget my dad saying "you'll never finish act III with randoms" and then beating act III with randoms first try


Also one of the annoying things about the oppressor mk1 is that you have to do bunker research just to get missles which can take a very long time if your not lucky making the mk2 a better choice


Honorable mention to the Valkyrie helicopter. I still enjoy using it when I have people to actually get some value from it, but it just gets outshined by newer vehicles


Toreador not only obsolete Stromberg but it also obsolete the vigilante in the sense that you can also use toreador in OG heist


The one redeeming quality of the doomsday hesitate is when you complete them, Lester is free for getting the cops off you. It’s a small amount but saving 200 bucks for every star you lose adds up quickly especially if you call Lester as much as I do.


Personally I'd like to see rockstar give you the choice to hire people to do the heists, like in cayo you can pay for helicopter support. Imagine you can pay a few hundred thousand to hire 3 NPC's, maybe Michael, Franklin and Trevor so you can do them solo


I think the Air Freight cargo deserves to be on this list because it takes about 6-7 hours to do for $500, 000, instead I can do Crates in my ceo warehouse in the same amount of time and get $2, 250, 000. It just doesn't make sense considering Smugglers Run came out 2-3 years after the Finance and Felonies.


Tank and Cargobob is the Oppressor MK0


Another thing that the Mk2 made obsolete was the Thruster JetPack, which wasn't that good before but was tottaly outclassed after.
About the original heists: honestly, despite being lower pay i still find them some of the most fun heists of the game (except for the A Series).
About the Rhino: you forgot to mention that they nerfed the armor of the Rhino, which it makes it even sadder when they launched the other tanks with more armor.


I found out a month ago about the Opressor Mk 1 and instantly fell in love with it. It is now my most favorite vehicle in the game, can't believe I have never seen someone using it and still don't see anyone.


10:48, Only thing SAD about the older cars, is that when they put our NEWER and much Faster cars, they didn't lower the price ANY for the old cars... They still expect you to pay 3-4 MILLION for the same old crud.
