Exact Quantum Entropy of Black Holes - Atish Dabholkar

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Prospects in Theoretical Physics 2018: From Qubits to Spacetime

Topic: Exact Quantum Entropy of Black Holes
Speaker: Atish Dabholkar
Date: July 25, 2018

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Extremely interesting and important lecture on exact entropy of black holes, quantum gravity, super gravity, holography, and possible simulation of bosons and fermions from the Feynman's QF.
Feynman's QC enables and empowers us, perhaps, to have a mathematical if not a physical interpretation of multi-dimensionality so indispensable in string theory, often lacking a deserving explanation.

Atish's presentation opens an interesting possibility. Like self-organizing property of matter leads to simulation of life and consciousness, awareness, intelligence, intuition etc., similarly Feynman's QF may lead to self-simulation of universal consciousness, whose observation/measurement turn fields/waves into particles (bosons and fermions) as is expected of an intelligent design, resulting in the evolution of life and human consciousness, with perfection and with probability one.

Charvak 700 bc, was the first to record in writing of the atomic theory, and probably dates from an earlier period. As for the fundamental building blocks of nature, eastern mystics (Buddhist and Tao), thousands of years ago discovered "...none of the properties of any part of the web [strings/branes] is fundamental; they all follow from the properties of the other parts, and the overall consistency of their inter-relations determines the structure of the entire web"- beautifully explained byFritjof Caora in "The Tao of Physics".
The complexity of the entire universe is governed by a single probability wave function/LQG (?). And Maldacena conjectures the entire universe is a quantum computing function, [Infinite dimensional, algorithm unknown, self-simulating cosmic conscious intelligent 'observer', collapsing the QF into fine tuned particles/strings, creating the universe and life, implying intelligent design.


Where are the other lectures of Atish Dhabolkar?
