Introducing Custom Variables
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Machinations' latest major release introduces Custom Variables that you can use across all your diagrams and that can retrieve parameters from external data sources.
Custom Variables bring you:
1. The ability to retrieve data from external sources
2. Availability across your account and your team's
3. Easier to maintain diagrams - changes propagate throughout your models
4. Cleaner diagrams - express the same complexity with fewer nodes & connections
...and there's more:
We've also made changes to the interface and expanded existing features like Version History, Play History, and Layers, to lift quality-of-life.
In detail:
00:00 - Introduction
00:32 - Custom Variables
01:01 - Randomness
02:21 - Math Expressions
03:31 - Live Data Sources
05:12 - Live Market Feeds
06:34 - Custom Images Upload
07:05 - Layers Revamp
07:33 - Version History Revamp
08:18 - New Fullscreen Feature
08:54 - Settings Panel
Join the community
Custom Variables bring you:
1. The ability to retrieve data from external sources
2. Availability across your account and your team's
3. Easier to maintain diagrams - changes propagate throughout your models
4. Cleaner diagrams - express the same complexity with fewer nodes & connections
...and there's more:
We've also made changes to the interface and expanded existing features like Version History, Play History, and Layers, to lift quality-of-life.
In detail:
00:00 - Introduction
00:32 - Custom Variables
01:01 - Randomness
02:21 - Math Expressions
03:31 - Live Data Sources
05:12 - Live Market Feeds
06:34 - Custom Images Upload
07:05 - Layers Revamp
07:33 - Version History Revamp
08:18 - New Fullscreen Feature
08:54 - Settings Panel
Join the community
Introducing Custom Variables
CSS Variables - An introduction to CSS custom properties
Custom Variables
Webinar: How to use custom variables to make better games
What is a CSS Custom Property / Custom Variable?
CSS Variables in 100 Seconds
User-input and Custom-variables
System Variables
Angular 101 Crash Course For Beginners: Learn Angular Fundamentals (4 HOURS!)
Introducing Variables in the Webflow Designer
Introduction to Variables
CSS Variables For Beginners | How to Use CSS Custom Properties
How to Create and Work with Variables | Grafana
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CSS Variables Tutorial
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Custom Variables in PDQ Deploy
CSS Variables Tutorial (CSS Custom Properties)
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Backing color styles with variables
CSS Variables | Custom Properties Tutorial for beginners
How to Create Your Own Custom Variables