Group Session 133 - The Creative Power of Soul - Discussion

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Reference: _Trauma and The Soul_ by Donald Kalsched, published by Routledge. First published in 2013.

New Discord Account: I have created a new Discord Account, where you are invited to join me for an ongoing chat. SkipConover#3767

We will also discuss other topics as you may suggest. Please send me your suggestions by e-mail.

--Persons desiring access to the Group DropBox should contact the Group Leader via
Twitter: @skip_conover
Facebook: Donald L. (Skip) Conover

NOTE: Skip Conover is NOT a mental health professional, but has been studying the work of Dr. C.G. Jung since 1987. If you feel seriously depressed, or have other mental health issues, please contact a licensed mental health professional in your area.

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MBTI and Big 5 Personality Tests
Just a note to address some of the youTube chat comments about Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Big 5 OCEAN [ formerly known as NEO-FFI] indicator.

While there has always been controversy stirred around and about by various groups about MBTI, including Dr. Jordan Peterson’s favoring the BIG 5, I don’t find the Big 5 useful in that for the traits it measures, it assumes those traits are fixed and immutable, rarely change over a life-time as supported by their retesting in a long-term study. Peterson has consulted with organizations supposedly helping them to identify desirable traits that predict an individuals success for job performance. It is my personal opinion, for what its worth, that in my experience in providing MBTI training, leading groups, providing job performance evaluations that this is just not true [all types and tiger stripes are represented]. The Big 5 is treading on dangerous ground as while some types gravitate to certain professions, it is by no means fixed in concrete and it only reinforces the current cookie cutter mindset of the current Zeitgeist.

If you are interested in detailed studies showing how biased the Big 5 is across cultures that have opposite values you can read it here. It also shows the validity of MBTI [1]

MBTI on the other hand, is used as a communication tool for understanding our individual differences as related to others and how we can all work together to communicate more effectively and not just blindly talk past each other. We do not accept that one type is above another and in order to be successful we welcome and need all types input to adequately solve problems. Otherwise we end up with a duck billed platypus or an Edsel.

MBTI is the only psychological instrument that is directly based upon Jung’s direct experience observing clients, both abnormal and normal of the existence of bipolar attitudes and their accompanying 4 functional relationships as documented in Psychological Types Volume 6 of his Collected Works.

Jung’s oeuvre is all about further development and expanding your range should you decide to explore the individuation paths journey to wholeness.

[1] Research on the MBTI has demonstrated that the inventory has a satisfactory level of both reliability and validity ( Carlson, 1985 ; Furnham & Stringfield, 1993 ). Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients reported in the manual range from .76 to .83 and construct validity has been demonstrated by correlations of the MBTI scales with scales of the California Psychological Inventory and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ( Myers & McCaulley, 1985 ).
