Web Panel: Nagorno-Karabakh Question

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During the web-panel the panelists which include Fuad Isgandarov (Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Belgium and Head of the Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the EU), Matthew Bryza (Ambassador (ret.)) and Yönet Can Tezel (Ambassador, Director-General for Eurasia, Turkish MFA) will discuss the current situation in Nagorno-Karabakh. The web-panel will be moderated by the SETA Brussels Coordinator Dr. Enes Bayraklı.
Рекомендации по теме

Geopolitical situation have changed over 30 years. 1990s war was between two countries that fought post soviet chaos. But this year, Armenia is not officially a party. Nakhchivan is not surrounded with half million people being hostages as it is not within the conflict are anymore. Diplomatic experience of Azerbaijan (30 years) is more better than the current regime of Armenia (2 years). That technically have more friendly countries either politically or due to petroleum. Russian and Iran position toward Armenia are not the same. Finally, Azerbaijan has the strength through diplomatic, financial and military resources. Look at Sun Tzu Art of War. The war already concluded even before the first bullet was triggered.
