Productivity YouTube is worse than you think.

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Did I go over the top with the dramatic intro? Yes. Did I have way too much fun in the edit? Also yes.
Here's my attempt to help myself sleep better at night by addressing some of my issues with the online world of productivity.
Happy to have a chat about it :)

PS. My flat got completely flooded so I had to move, hence the new location. I guess filming not-on-my-bed for the first time in forever is the sliver lining. Sorry for the echo. There was just me and the camera gear in the room 😅 I'm not sure when next videos will be as everything's a bit of a mess.
Also, were the only things I took from my flat my skull, fake plant and my electronics? Yes.

If you want to stay in touch:

Or leave a comment, I (try to) answer 100% of comments :)

0:00 - Elizabeth's dramatic intro
0:42 - It's not fair
1:22 - Conditional love
1:44 - Abusive parenting
2:21 - Where is your ladder?
3:22 - Competition
3:50 - Selfishness
4:26 - Enjoying pain
5:01 - Still doing it though
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Heya, thanks for the responses on to the video! Just wanted to clarify a few things, sorry if I've not done a good job explaining:

I didn't pick the boys in the thumbnail because they're the most guilty of what I mentioned - I picked them because they're the most identifiable productivity youtubers, and because I doubt they'd mind being in it.

Also, I've gotten a few comments saying I'm projecting in this video - 100% yes. All of these things are things I've thought, felt and dealt with myself, as is everything on my channel. I'm the first person guilty of feeling these things.

And lastly, it is quite a negative video: that was the point, everything wrong with productivity. I talk a lot about how much I love it in almost every other video, and probably will do in the future ones too - I just wanted to show everything I disagree or that annoys me about it too. Soz for the spam :)


"Productivity makes you respect yourself conditionally" Damn, this cuts to the heart of the issue so clearly. This is an awesome breakdown


I feel like productivity youtube is a feel good procrastination method for many people. It is like being constantly in the tutorial hell


I’m a parent of 3, I cook and clean, do the school runs and help with homework…that’s productive right? 😅
You’re right the famous productive YouTubers are not parents 🤣


New insight unlocked 💡. "Productivity is not about producing a lot. It is applying your best effort in the areas your value in a way that makes you respect yourself at the end of the day."


Most importantly I have seen these productivity youtubers staying "Alone" at their homes. I would like to see how they deal with their family members and productivity together.


You have amazing content! Very well thought out!


I always felt useless for being unable to find a job and work outside my home but recently I've been appreciating the effort and work I do at home which no one does!!! Improving my cooking skill and having this idea in mind "the Society is built on people with different roles and I don't have to be like anyone, I'm gonna live and accept this season of my life"


After yet ANOTHER episode of burnout, I've found myself feeling borderline allergic to listening to a lot of the productivity gurus and advice I've been obsessed with for ages. The brainwashed part of me feels very guilty for tuning them out and attempting to reconnect with my own natural rhythms, because I've long since stopped trusting that I know what's best for me! This was a much needed perspective, thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Necessary message. Well said. Productivity isn't a goal, it is a means to a goal. When I watch Ali Abdaal talk about productivity I wonder if he ever goes outside and enjoys fresh air. Thanks for another good video.


"Productivity makes you respect yourself conditionally".
I've struggled with this one a lot in the past. It's not easy to break free from it.


Being productive is neither positive nor negative but at the same, it can either improve your life or make you more anxious and miserable. But it doesn't make you a better or more valuable person. You have every right to spend your evenings watching Netflix and eating nachos and deserve as much respect as a person who learns how to play the piano.


Maybe you need a break; Maybe you need to socialize; Maybe you need to help other people or feel valuable in a community or society;
This should go down in the history books of YT productivity videos. All of them singularly focus on individual productivity that we often forget that growth is much more fulfilling and purposeful when done together with the people around us.
Kudos for calling this out!


I have also found some productivity youtubers encouraging less sleep like 4 to 5 hours, they say that you can recover that lost sleep by taking naps. But honestly naps are not a complete replacement to complete, undisturbed 7-8hr sleep. Lack of sleep can increase the chances of health problems in the long term like diabetes, heart related problems, memory loss, decreased concentration, obesity, depression, tiredness, fatigue, etc.
i hate those youtubers who encourage less sleep


Every time when one of my most "productive" friends talks about how they woke up at 6 am to go to the gym for 3 hours and tutored for 2 hours, studied SAT, and advanced math AND hung out with their friends, it makes me feel like if i dont do those things i am the problem for being lazy and unproductive when in fact I do things to help myself. I try to learn more things about mentality and issues like these in the world and learning art. I think the typical sort of "productivity" is different for so many people but it is generalized into this specific lifestyle.


I just love sitting around doing nothing much, maybe listening to music, reading a good book, chatting with friends. I love doing nothing much ... anyone else feel the same?


She’s too productive with her words. I can’t understand a single thing without giving this video my complete concentration.


Wooow. It must have taken a lot of courage to talk about this coz its less talked about but its absolute true Good job


I feel like the focus on being as efficient as possible can put so much pressure on people to work ‘perfectly’ all the time, to the point I become so paralysed with anxiety if I’m not doing everything efficiently


I really resonate with being an "abusive parent" to yourself - especially during exam season for me right now, its so easy to push past the feeling of not wanting to work. I have come to realise that breaks and socialising are crucial for getting quality, focused, work done. Yet another great video btw, keep it up!
