How to study EFFECTIVELY with ADHD! #studymotivation #studytips #adhd

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i study from textbooks and even after avoiding all those distractions, my brain makes its own-


this is advice for neurotypical people, not adhd people. we need additional stimulation (background noise/music, movement, chewing gum, someone in the room w us, etc.) to be able to focus on anything remotely boring like a textbook


Why does this have 1.3K likes? It's essentially gaslighting students with ADHD into thinking electronic devices are to blame. Some of my friends, myself included, have a really difficult time focusing without auditory assistance when studying. Please don't glorify old-school methods when not everyone can reliably focus with it.


It's harder than u think and mostly the phones or gadgets isn't the problem it's the limited healthcare due to poverty and being unable to buy medication and actual treatment


ADHD is also an issue with memory. Even if you focus and pay attention, you still have the problem of memory. You can still easily forget what you learned.


We don't have obstacles, we have a disorder
But sure, it's my phone


Go away, Doctor! You know nothing about us! That was really disappointing.


As a Student with ADHD, I watched this 9 times on a loop because I felt like he was continuing the conversation each time


I can literally have 0 distractions and my brain will just force me to lay on the floor and not move


Yep. It's always my phones fault. It doesn't matter what distractions you have. ADHD makes distractions you didn't even know you had. My distraction is having a pencil and paper because I get sidetracked doodling. How do I combat that? My phone almost helps me focus more in some ways.


a lot of schools are phasing out physical textbooks and work, focusing more on digital. of course students are going to use their computer or laptop. they still need to:
- e-mail/message professors/teachers
- access textbooks that they can’t have physical copies of
- access any online courses
- research or other resources

stop guilt tripping students, especially by targeting and preying on those with adhd. just because we have adhd doesn’t mean we should avoid technology like the plague. in fact, with all the resources and apps/browser extensions we have now, technology can benefit us.

maybe try encouraging adhd students to use their technology in a way that can benefit them instead of making them feel bad for it.


ok so although our phones are a distraction, that doesn’t mean that if you get rid of them it will magically fix the problem. we get distracted from more things than just electronics


This feels kinda like it's guilt-tripping those who use technology. I take a dual credit college course for English Rhetoric and I need my school laptop to research, write my essays, and to turn them in. I do print out the sources and highlight things but typing is sometimes easier than writing things out. You can get a website blocker for your computer, or an app blocker for your phone if you have that in the room with you. Remember different things work for different people❤.


I hyperfocus on the wrong main points when studying I have trouble telling what's the main point


I have Adhd, I have difficulty holding my concentration when there are sounds around and I need my phone to keep playlist that make me regulate the amount of noise the outside world throws at me.
I need my computer to type, because it's way more sensory processing to use a pen and paper at the early stages of a study. I can study with pen and paper when making shorter notes or need to keep just small details aside to research later.
Holding a pen, using my muscles, feeling all the diverse sensations of the paper, the pen, and my sleeves moving around while I write Will and Have distracted me.
Plus some of us have to study ON the internet so seriously don't say shit you don't know anything about.


Difficult to study with textbooks when a lot of studies and certificates are accomplished directly online and most advanced study will not accept work done one paper . A main problem for people with adhd is not a lack of attention. It's they are not able to "get started" with any task for various reasons and chemical processes in the brain/body. So even if they want to do something, often they are unable to get started on the action.


Alright let's put things differently.
Do you think I didn't have adhd before I got a phone and a computer?
Do you think I didn't have adhd when I was a kid in elementary trying to listen to my teachers and being distracted by my own brain? Do you think a person with adhd cannot stay in an empty and sterile room while still having ADHD? Because we do. We don't choose when the adhd is an obstacle or an advantage, it's just the way our brain is wired, changing the setting might help sure, but the way you're putting it is extremely problematic, if you think it's only our phones and internet is the only thing that distracts us from doing our work or studies. From my perspective it seems you're outting the entirety of a Neuro Developmental divergence in a very closed idea of what it can show up as and blaming the adhder for letting themselves be distracted when our brains are litteraly wired to keep us busy and your view only add to the guilt and frustration. It's not tough love if you don't care enough to leaen how we work, it's just shaming and blaming.


My phone might not be in the room with me but my mind is


If i dont have my phone all my seratonin dissapears immediately and i will simply stop doing Anything at all.
Also i will just be distracted by things Inside my head which are far more distracting and exhausting than a handfull of silly videos


Taking ADHD medication as prescribed is really helpful too. The responsibility is also on the individual to use the effects for something productive rather than focus on a distraction.
