The Kim Clement Prophecies of Donald J. Trump

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Let's take an honest look at the prophecies of Kim Clement and find out whether he is a true or false prophet.


0:00 Intro music
0:35 Sources used for this video
1:54 Kim's early years
3:44 An audible word from the Lord
5:25 Coming to America
7:06 Kim's legacy
8:26 Kim's prophecies
9:45 Multiple false prophecies
11:08 The 9/11 prophecy isn't true
13:20 Vague prophecies
14:58 Kim admitted to false prophecies
16:42 The New Apostolic Reformation cult
18:22 Kim's prophecies about Trump
21:19 The truth about Kim's Trump prophecy
22:38 Was the prophecy from God?
24:45 Thank you for watching

My channel covers current events and bible prophecy, especially as they relate to the Antichrist. The bible gives us specific descriptions of this Man of Sin, and each and every one of those descriptions points directly at Donald J. Trump.

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Evil spirits are running rampant in the last days.


I Never felt the holy spirit when I heard Kim speak. I actually got a very uneasy feeling while listening to him. Thank you for making this!


*About this video* – First, I apologize for this video being uploaded a few days later than I originally stated it would be. It became much more involved than I originally planned, and I found myself watching Kim's prophecies much more than I anticipated.

On that note, I generally refer to KC as Kim throughout this video. I do that because I didn't want to sound like I meant ill will toward the man (although I guess that happened a bit at the end). Overall, my goal was to be as objective as possible about his background, and deal with the prophecies separately. For the record, Kim certainly did some good things in life, such as how he and his wife adopted children with special needs.

There were two quotes of Kim's that I ended up editing out of the video as I was unable to confirm he said it, or at least in what context. The first was Kim saying that “I do not believe you must be born again to obtain salvation.” I am positive that he DID say those words, as there is a video on YouTube, sometime after he said it, in which he attempts to explain what he meant. But, I was unable to find the original quote on video or the House of Destiny website, so I didn't include it.

One other disturbing quote of Kim's was relating to 666, and this is what he said: “Get ready, for there shall be a creation of a computer that shall supercede everything that has been invented up to this point. It shall be so rapid, and there shall be no more viruses that shall come and be able to touch your systems. *Do not be afraid of the 666, do not be afraid of the beast* . Do not be afraid of those that would teach that their power is going to destroy you. The greatest years are about to come upon you and the Holy Spirit has withheld certain blessings, but now they shall begin in just a few minutes. They have already begun in the spirit where the blessing of the Lord shall begin and overtake your lives. You will populate the marketplace in 2005. I'm going to give you cities through mass media.”

I expect this particular video to get more negative comments than most of mine, as there are certainly a LOT of Kim Clement fans out there. If you are one, I ask that you please keep your comments respectful, both to me and to the other brothers and sisters in Christ who comment here. Also, PLEASE pray to God for understanding about Kim and the New Apostolic Reformation. This kind of new-age, mystical, 7 mountain mandate nonsense is NOT biblical in any sense of the word.

Finally, thank you for your many comments and insights. If your comment isn't showing up, try sorting by “Newest first” as that often makes more comments appear. If you enjoyed the video, please give a thumbs-up as that helps my channel with YouTube's algorithms. Don't forget to also subscribe and click on the notification bell, if you haven't done so already. :-)


if a "prophet" is wrong even once he is a false prophet. a true prophet cannot ever be wrong because the prophecies are coming from God, who cannot lie. So 100% of prophecy of a true prophet must come true. Otherwise admitting they can be wrong is tantamount to admitting God is sometimes deceptive, which is impossible.


Although I had not heard of him, it doesn't surprise me some believe a man like this. The Spirit in me was turning my stomach just listening to him. Reminds me of the old saying, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Great video and I hope those that need to hear this message will. 💜 Love and prayers from East Tn


I sat through this, but I have never been able to handle anything with spirit cringes


I must start my comment off by admitting, I was a huge Kim Clement listener, believer whatever, of his “prophecies” for a very long time. However I could never stomach watching his videos, so I’d basically FF to the parts where he actually spoke. For a quick background, I’ve been a student of God’s Word, specifically in depth studies of Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation, for almost 20yrs. Within this past year, the Holy Spirit has been really tugging at my heart about Trump and showing me over and over that he is NOT who so many in the evangelical/Christian community believe(d) him to be, including myself. I see how wrong so MANY of us were. However, I always had it in the back of my mind, what if, jus what if Trump IS THE AC since 2015 when things jus didn’t seem right. Although I was a huge supporter, I told myself many times, if he did very specific things then I (think I) would know. Yet I look back and see where I justified and even made excuses for his character and behaviors that literally line up perfectly with the AC, in ways NO other man has ever before, and the Holy Spirit kept revealing these things to me, over time. This past year God had broken the deception I was allowing myself to be apart of and I see things so much clearly now. Even in my walk and relationship with Christ, I still wanted to believe Trump was filled w the Holy Spirit, yet his fruits NEVER lined up. My entire family are Christ followers. We’ve had to have some tough conversations recently bc we are all starting to really see at a 100k’ view, how our support for Trump was indeed wholly misguided. I jus thank God I didn’t stay in the realm of being deceived bc after all I pray every single day for discernment of the times we’re in bc I don’t want to be one of the ones who falls for the Great Deception/Delusion bc it IS here! With all that said thank you for taking the time to expose KC. There was always something that never sat right within my spirit about him and your work on this video, only confirmed my suspicions! God Bless you brother and hope to meet you one day, soon, at the Wedding Feast!!!



In the mid-1990s, I was finishing up a show at a club called Soho in Santa Barbara (the main live music spot in the city.) As I walked out to my car, I heard what sounded like a rock concert in what was then called Victoria Hall. Curious, I investigated. I headed up to the rafters so I could view the commotion from above. I just stood there, intensively and critically watching the "show." It was Kim Clement.

Eventually, one of the ushers noticed I was not under the hypnosis of the crowd and came over to me and said something like, "He sure is phenomenal, isn't he?" I said, "It's a phenomenon alright." I ignored him and continued studying what I had seen many times before.

I was not new to this rodeo. As a musician, I had backed up actors, comedians, circuses, and musicians all around Los Angeles and Las Vegas. I'd seen this schtick before. The drummer of Clement's backup band waited for a keyword. On cue, the bass drum started, "PUMM....PUMM, PUMM....PUMM...PUMM, PUMM. It started slowly at first, building and building, louder and louder, faster and faster. Eventually, the crowd was fully engrossed and enamored. Kim had 'em right where he wanted them.

This is done in shows all the time, shows that Clement would have been part of in his rock and roll days. It's all theater. In fact, Donald Trump uses the same techniques at his rallies.

Clement's "prophesy" focused on Detroit. He started by saying, "I am getting a fresh word from the Lord this very night. The Lord will send a holy ring of fire around Detroit that will encircle the city and eventually spread out to engulf the entire nation, leading to a massive revival. (In reality, the only fires that spread in Detroit were probably set in abandoned and gutted neighborhoods that became ghost towns and shadows of their previous glory.)

Disgusted, I soon left. On my walk to my car, I overheard young folks beaming and glorifying Clement. Jesus Christ's name was never spoken.

A few months later, my dad was watching Paul and Jan Crouch on TBN. They were so excited to introduce to the viewing audience a bright new prophet (especially Jan with her pink hair.) Out walks Clement. He starts in, "I have a fresh new word from the Lord that I am sharing with you for the first time. I see a fire encircling Detroit." And right on cue, the drummer: "PUMM...PUMM, PUMM."

Was Kim Clement a true prophet? No. But did Kim Clement receive a word from the Lord about Trump? I believe he did. But what kind of word is the question?

Balaam was a false prophet. But when King Balak hired him to curse Israel, the Lord prophesied through him to bless Israel. So yes, the Lord can speak through false prophets. But wasn't Clement a deceiver? Yes, he was. There is an interesting account in 1 Kings 22:22 where the Lord asked those present who would volunteer to be a lying spirit in the mouths of Ahab's prophets. So, one volunteered and went and deceived.

So, was Kim Clement a false prophet. Yes, the worst kind. Was he used by God to prophesy about Trump to mislead many? I believe he was. Clement coveted the power of a mighty prophet. God granted him his wish. But before he could taste the promise land of Trump's presidency, the Lord took him home, in all likelihood, to a place of everlasting torment.


My hats off to you for producing this video...your the only one with the stones to take this issue head on..I subscribed to your channel and I look forward to viewing more indepth videos about this subject matter...I prefer them long and well documented such as this...keep exposing the frauds 🙏🏻


No wonder it took awhile for this one to come out. You worked hard on this one


I just had to pause the video a moment because I am laughing heartily over Kim Clement's pun-laden "prophecy" of Trump becoming a trumpet and Bill Gates opening gates of financial blessings. This would be a hilarious dad joke if the man hadn't been completely serious.


I've been WAITING for Someone to do THIS for Years 🙏🏻
Graditude 🙏🏻 OH & YES HE "WAS" A FALSE PROPHET For PROFIT_ him self & OTHER PROFIT$$$$🤦‍♀️


Oh boy! The Lord is really using you to bring me some hard truths. Again, thank you! And really good work Brother.


I've been thinking about Kim lately and wondering who was speaking to him. I've seriously been doubting that it was God. Thank you for this research and video, God has answered my questions.


I did not know the young history of him, interesting, he was lost and lead astray from the beginning. He's always given me the creeps and seen him as a charlatan. "You can be a wrong prophet but not a false prophet" says it all right there, charlatan. I get sick and angry at all these "profits" on line, "I think maybe", "I went to my friend to see what she thinks", " if it doesn't happen by Christmas, definitely the spring." Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.


Thank you for pulling this all together with good details. I was hoping someone would cover this, as some in my family were big on the "Kim Clement" prophecy bandwagon. 😢


Keep up these great in-depth videos, it's like christmas for me every time you upload. God bless and stay safe.


He was saying God was calling kim jong un a little dwarf and I found it weird God would be using insults towards people about things they can't change or control


My LORD says prove every man a liar. I'm not buying the lip service. I appreciate your research.I have eyes to see and ears to hear -All glory to GOD. Thank you.


I never really paid attention to him but certainly others have. What an excellent source of truth you have carefully put together. Very well done Brother Paul!
