The TRUTH Behind #1 Apex Predator Ban

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The TRUTH Behind #1 Apex Predator Ban


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I think there is more cheaters then legit people playing this game right now.


Video titled - The TRUTH Behind #1 Apex Predator Ban. Watch video. Still don't know why he was ban. Nice bait J.


#1 didn’t use viewers to locate KEON—they were just in the same match, as shown in the VODs. Meanwhile, KEON checks chat every 10 seconds for locations. Is that pro-level play? If you can’t handle being in the same match, maybe don’t play pro.

If you don’t understand Chinese, don’t jump to conclusions. Doing so only makes you look pathetic.
As an Apex news creator, be neutral like BirnoOCE instead of trying to please Wattson.


I don’t really care who top preds are on a dying game full of cheaters, it’s like saying you’re the fastest one in a nursing home


He got unbanned!And he has more than 230000 RP so he will still be #1 this season


New upade: Previous #1 Pred grand from gold to pred in three days. Legit


I closed Apex the other day and I got a notification saying "easy anti-cheat violation". I was like wtf?!?! Nothing came of it but it was scary. I've never ever searched cheats. Cheaters are lame af.


現在解封了 你有沒有話要說? 等著你的下一部影片
Well he's unbanned now. What do you have to say?

Your only argument in two videos about the #1 pred ban is "he got banned, therefore he is cheating". You didn't even give it a benefit of the doubt like Keon and HisWattson did when the ban first happened. Your previous video and the title "They Finally Banned #1 Apex Predator" explains itself. Mande's gotten falsely banned before, maybe I should just jump to the conclusion that Mande is cheating. In fact, Keon/HisWattson (I actually forgot exactly who) even said he was likely NOT CHEATING when the ban happened.

From my understanding, after the ban happened, many people like you in the English-speaking community refuse to look up any relevant information, for example his videos and vods, but instead just jump to the conclusion that he is cheating. Providing literally no solid evidence and instaed using "he has over 200k+ RP which is so much more RP than #2" as evidence is ridculous. He doesn't play pro and compete in any sort of tournaments, instead all he does is grind for RP. He doesn't have commitments like Keon and HisWattson does in the pro scene. Keon deserves #1 pred and this guy from Taiwan that grinds 12+ hours a day doesn't just because you guys don't know him? This guy doesn't do much content creating, doesn't play tournaments, and instead invests all his time just streaming his grind for #1. Wow what a surprise that this guy little people know of has more RP!

Yes stream sniping is bad, but what is he going to do, knowing that he got falsely banned, and EA is going to take who knows how long to unban him? Just let Keon take away his well-deserved #1 pred that he grinded for all season? If EA was a little more responsible and unbanned him as fast as they would unban any English-speaking content creator in the Apex scene maybe he wouldn't have decided to snipe Keon. All of this is not to say that stream sniping should be encouraged, but what does stream sniping have anything to do with him being banned? He stream snipes Keon after he got banned, therefore the ban is justified? Surely that's now how that works.


Well he's doing a great job of looking guilty.


I have had friends who have gotten banned from the false ban glitch but this kinda making himself look guilty as hell


When they have a attitude such as this by stream sniping KEON something has to be up


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1: Also watching your videos, sometimes confuses me because you say you like people to be banned for cheating, but then you turn the other cheek and say all people are being banned to falsely for no reason at all. It’s like you’re saying you want you to be banned and not to be banned which is a little confusing.
2: When you say Apex legends Is on its lowest player account. What do you mean steam players. because not everybody plays on PC some people playing consoles. It seems like a lot of people are leaving consoles people out.
I really want to know how many people are playing Apex legends at all gaming systems.


ITS SO BORING watching 3 stack pros/streamers roll people who arent even deserving of diamond or masters, just because they play all day. they are just versing shit cans with the super fast queue times, remember last year when it was based on sbmm for a split, they were dying a lot, now they are just rolling the 1kd unemployed diamond bums with 2k badges who play all day


Its a reason PC has the most Masters every season over console. I wouldnt be surprised if more than half of the Preds on PC are cheating


It’s an actual fact that Wattson, even imperial Hal has played with cheaters. No one bats an eye.


He is comming at Keon because HisWattson tweeted that him and Keon where going to grind to the #1, even if he got falsely banned we all know that in a matter of days he will be too behind to catch up, plus he has been Pred for the last 3 seasons, his peak before this was #12, they put themselves on the spotlight basically, even if you want the #1 spot you shouldn't claim it like that, I know I wouldn't for this specific reason...


doesn't even matter if he was account sharing or cheating anymore, the actions post ban more than make up for the lack of evidence because streamsniping the way he is and griefing should be bannable


He isn't the first #1 pred to be banned and he won't be the last. That's three #1 preds cheating now, 2 of which were banned. The third had his teammate banned over and over and he kept making new accounts to boost #1 pred. I watched Singapore servers and almost every pred there is hard walling with multiple badges. Zero benefit of doubt left.


Even he didn't cheat, he should be banned for stream sniping and harassment.
