Import MySQL Timezone Description Tables into MYSQL/MariaDB using XAMPP on Windows

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Import SQL File into MySQL. This command will use your MySQL credentials (replace angle brackets - YouTube does not allow to add "real" brackets): C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysql -u root -p mysql < "[path to SQL file]"
Select Timezone from time_zone_names:
Set global Timezone:
SET GLOBAL time_zone = 'Europe/Vienna';
Import MySQL Timezone Description Tables into MYSQL/MariaDB using XAMPP on Windows
MySQL : Load MySQL timezone tables
Changing Local Time Zone for MySQL
MySQL : Timezone tables for MySQL
MySQL : convert_tz returns null even after loading time zone tables
MYSQL Timezone support
MySQL : how to set permanent default timezone in mysql server
Databases: How can I change the timezone in MySQL?
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MySQL : convert_tz returns null
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MySQL Database Export and Import by using command prompt || Leela Soft Technologies || Madhu