The Castigator Class Titan - FATHER OF ALL TITANS #warhammer #warhammer40k #lore #explained

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That last image implying the grey knights just hit it with hammers until it died is hilarious


Bonus fact: no one is really sure if the Titan’s AI willingly pledged itself to chaos and it became corrupted or if some random daemon got itself trapped inside the titan’s highly advanced robobrain and went insane from millennia of isolation until it started thinking it actually was the Titan.


“Unknown means” aka they got carried away with this one and wrote themselves into a corner


Who would win:
An ancient entity forged of primordial technology beyond our comprehension, capable of obliterating entire armies without issue.


A bunch of chunky knight LARPers.


The one thing that's overlooked is that the Castigator not only was the one who pulled Chaeronia into the Warp, but kept the planet safe from daemon invasion. The Mechanicus on-world went through their own dark evolution, following the idea of constant technical evolution, unhindered by rules.

It was only after Justicar Alaric, fighting the Castigator's still unsullied Avatar, declared that it MUST be a daemon because it couldn't be anything else, that Chaos took root in the Castigator.

At that moment, it reviewed all it's history, including its time in the warp, and how it had survived, and admitted that, yes, it must be a daemon. And then it underwent its own daemon transformation; the Avatar lost its human form and became and absolute horror. And only THEN, when it actually WAS a daemon, could the Grey Knights kill it.

Because until it realized it was a daemon.... they couldn't even damage it.

The freaky thing is, the Castigator had so dominated its world and the warp in its vicinity, that none of the Chaos Gods had taken root there. It enslaved and used daemons as ammunition for its double megabolter. It's ammo bins were full of daemons who could not escape its grasp. LoL.

If only the thing had been on the good side of things. If it's AI could have been put to good use, despite the strictures of the Imperium.

It was even taller than the Imperator Titan class, and stood more like a man, with its head above its shoulders. It was....fantastic.


Fun fact: though it was the father of all titans, it wasn't a titan in name. It was, by its own words, the "Castigator-class autonomous bi-pedal weapons platform" which it further added was "intended for fire support and siege operations."

Additionally, it didn't use gears/pistons but had synthetic musculature, making it move like a living creature. With its head on top of the machine, rather than in the torso like titans, this made it eerily life-like. It had a liquid-metal armor that reflowed to "heal" itself from injuries. It was truly autonomous, basically a man-of-iron larger than a 40k era titan. It's rotating cannon fired shells the size of dreadnoughts (in the book, being corrupted, it fired actual demons instead).

The thing can pluck out an Imperator titan's cockpit, while taking fire, pop a couple shots into its torse to detonate its reactors, and keep on moving. This thing is the definition of power creep. Had the STC been recovered, they could have wiped out The Eye.


"By unknown means"
So the answer might as well be "They placed a comedicly large banana peel in its way"


"It can kill entire Legio Titanicus" *gets killed by mary sue space marines*


Waiting for the emperor to return and surprise the imperium that the vaults under the palace have like twenty of these things just chillin down there.


I suspect no titan truly requires a princeps. A princeps is just a method to chain the beasts.


Make no mistake, they get nurfed into the ground but the grey knights have that high royalty power and prestige in the novels, and they have some of the most advanced old world tech that’s still ‘legal’ to use even though the adeptus mechanicus and the grey knights openly hide their means of achievement to each other.


My squad of GKs fighting a Nurgle-Warped Imperial Knight as a boss got me doubting the validity of this record


It gets worse when you realise it not only had overlapping void shields but also nano-carapace armour that would heal itself 🫣


Just picturing the Castigator yelling at other titans, “Who’s Your Daddy!!!” as it charges at them.


Fun what if thought: after being purified of deamonic corruption the castigator while missing its memories believes itself to be a Grey knight and fights along side them while repeating their litanies of purification and sacred words as it fights the demons if the warp


Kaldor Draigo threw a tangerine at it.


Dark age of techno era was the pinnacle of humans. The things they built back then for standart things considered way too dangerous in 40 k. That titan one of the examples.


“They destroyed it through unknown means.”

So they pushed it off the table?


I doubt it was "the father of all titans" it probably was just one among thousands (or millions) of titans produed during the dark age of technology


Gipsy Danger if it drank the chaos Kool aid
