Laws that wouldn't be the worst thing to implement (part 1)

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If only laws were this thought out and fast in actual government


With the X% power ones I'm just imagining lawsuits based on whether the gum was thrown at over 50% power and at the trial the assailant would testify their innocence by throwing gum twice as hard


As a european (UK excluded), translating mph to km/h was really helpful and I appreciate your open-mindedness.


New Law: anyone who brings their babies to a movie theater knowing damn well that they can start crying at any moment should be blacklisted from all movie theaters across the globe.


2 points worth consideration in regards to the “check out” bill:
1.What if they get their coupon(s) ready before it’s their turn in line so it doesn’t actually take extra time at checkout? (As most coupons only need to have a barcode scanned)I believe that under that circumstance an amendment should be added exempting/reducing the extent of punishment, as they are clearly being mindful of those around them as opposed to just assuming that everyone has all the time in the world.
2. In the event that it is found that an individual has approached the counter with the intent to use a coupon and said coupon is expired and the individual in question persist to use it anyway you are aloud to beat them from behind with the nearest liftable heavy object, but you only receive one swing. However if you wait for them to devolve into a full on Richard/Karen* you receive an additional swing for every 15 seconds that you endure of pigheaded idiocy. Of course, the store will be responsible for hiring staff with the responsibility of removing unconscious or seriously injured individuals that have been made subject to this law.(maybe the greeters at Walmart will finally have a real job there?)


Throwing with 60% power, what does that mean?
Wouldn't it be better to use joule as is common for things that are shot with?
Either that or measure it in microsnickers, though that might get confusing.


Personally, I'm against throwing your drink in the faces of those who talk near you in the movie theater, strictly because it's very likely to be a soft drink in a paper or thin plastic cup, meaning that those in the immediate vicinity will become hit by the splash radius of the drink in question.


This video deserves a sequel where Zach collaborates with Ryan George in a mix of Zach and Ryan's styles that operates similarly to this one but actually addresses real laws actually in the books that are bonkers (e.g. unmarried pregnant women are not allowed to parachute on Sundays in Florida).


This series of events definitely happened to Zach recently


Anyone who waits till they get to the front of the line at a fast food restaurant to look at the menu must immediately must get sent to the back of the line and if they refuse you are legally allowed to physically move them against their will to the back of the line.
Also if they are larger then you or you are incapable to do so, the rest of the line must pitch in to amend this wrong.


I propose that for every screaming kid in a theater, you are allowed one life scarring insult per kid, per 2 screams. And if the parental figure that is with them complains, you get to dump a slushie on them. If you do not have a slushie, one will be provided for you and in the absence of a parental figure…. one will be provided for you.


A few notes:

For the first law, give them an additional former yugoslav republic of macedonia or two to account for disabled people as well. Also, you might want to reduce the speed limit of hitting the pedestrian to about 10-15 mph. 20 mph gives a 15% chance of the pedestrian dying, and 25 mph gives over 20% for death. That seems excessive for only 5 former yugoslav republic of macedonias.

For the second law, there needs to be some major changes. Instead of being per coupon used, have it be a time limit as well. This way if someone uses relatively few coupons (either because they need to save on cash or because they're from a lower income area, neither of which should be punished), they won't get harassed by the other shoppers. HOWEVER, if you're a serial coupon collector and hold up the line for like 10 minutes, you deserve to get the entire bunch of candy by the checkout dumped on you (INCLUDING the full-size butter fingers)

For the third law, maybe no brass knuckles. Rings? Yeah, those should be allowed. Brass Knuckles, however, are capable of some SERIOUS damage. It might be a tad overkill for someone talking during a Marvel Movie. However, it can be allowed for the secondary clause of that person sitting DIRECTLY in front of you when basically no one else is in the movie theater.


there should be a law against people who walk slowly and horizontally in a group blocking the path for everyone trying to walk behind them


New law: When walking outside if someone passes by and stares at you the entire time then you are allowed to tell them a GTA insult that the main character says while showing them a middle finger with no consequences.


The fact he said Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 5 times in a row instead of North Macedonia has made him a national hero in the country (I wish I was joking). Prepare to have a national holiday named in your honor


I propose that we allow retail, restaurant or other similar types of workers to pepper spray one costumer a year without consequences. I am dead serious this should be a thing.


I am in favor of the death sentence for political corruption. 😅


Seriously how can you upload daily and still have this high quality? I'm impressed!


I’ve been involved in the drafting of actual laws and this is remarkably spot on, except for the speed, it takes MUCH more discussion.


For the last one i propose that
-you can choose where ever you want to move to sit in the theater (as to not promote violence first, since there are also empty seats since there are two of you)
-if the person still talks too much that it disturbs you even though you have moved then this matter shall be judged by a medieval style trial by combat, the winner shall be the righteous one and can throw the unfortunate one's popcorn at them at precisely 23 mph, any throwing speed exceeding or below will result in a second trial by combat, of which the winner shall throw the unfortunate one's popcorn again, but this time speed limit is neglected, except the unfortunate one's shall buy a new popcorn for the winner, while being forced to leave the movie theater.
