I bought a 100 year old Rowhome (Its in bad shape)(EP.1)

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My first week of home ownership uncovering structural damage, termites and more! I am excited to share my plans for this house next week.

The thumbnail image is part of a photo series I completed in 2021 documenting 100 old Rowhomes across Philadelphia. The images themselves are not AI, but I do use photoshop generative fill to widen the aspect ratio of the images to use as thumbnails. See the full collection below.

For the past 3 years I have been traveling around the USA to document historic skyscrapers, and I released a large format art and history book featuring 100 of the best Art Deco towers across the USA. Check it out below.

I have full PDFs of my architectural drawing set for the house renovation available for supporters on my Patreon.

For all other art and design work, check out my website -

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#diy #homerenovation #historichome #philadelphia
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What have I got myself into... Should I tear down the house? 🏠


As an architect, you may already know this, but, you can go to the city and request information on previous permits for renovations and sometimes that includes drawings and blueprints, so you can see what has been done to the house and possibly even see the original plans.


The total lack of panic and fear in your voice is impressive. I would be in tears by now!!!


Just like the good old YouTube days. Getting in on day one of a young channel renovating a house. Love it!


I did this type of work on a couple of rowhouses 20 years ago in Passyunk Sq. You may qualify for the City's 10 year tax abatement program, assuming its still around. You apply for this soon after you get your building permit approved. It requires replacing the 'knob & tube' wiring so you will need to remove all interior walls, but you seem to be doing that already. This removal will allow for a thoro plumbing inspection, too, and you can add A/C ductwork at the same time. If you add A/C you can use the same ductwork for forced air heating, getting rid of the radiators.


This is a fun project to watch. Please wear all your PPE. Glasses, respirators, and gloves at least.


Just a small protip that I recently learned in the course of doing some work on my house - the big box hardware stores sell big two-layer waxed paper trashbags, I think they're really billed as yard waste bags and are usually in the garden center but they're MUCH stronger and more puncture-resistant than regular plastic bags, so great for demo debris, and they can also stand upright on their own which is really handy. They're also way more efficient to pack into the back of a pickup truck when hauling stuff to the dump.


Just can’t wait to see what the structural engineer says . This is so exciting. I am a 77 year old woman and I love watching these projects. Please keep the music calm for us old ladies. With your partner you two will have a wonderful life.


DIY Demo tip. When you remove the plaster, get a bunch of moving boxes line them up along the walls, and direct the trash into the boxes. Once they are full, tape them up and carry them out. Don't use huge boxs, they get to heavy, and don't store them where they will get wet while you wait to dispose of them. I'm excited for you this will be fun to follow along.


Get some N95 masks or a p100 respirator. Those little face masks dont do a damn thing. Your lungs will thank you.


When he started peeling off that plaster and all the wood was just crumbling like soft cheese I felt that. You are a braver man than I, the best of luck with this project


It’s always the random <1000 views youtube videos popping through the algorithm that are real bangers. This was awesome, well done on the vlog!


Matt Risinger has a great video on why changing insulation dynamics / airflow and moisture exchange mediums on houses this age can be touchy. Sometimes the moisture exchanging / wicking capacity of old brick and plaster construction w/an air pocket in the wall; is in itself the reason that the building has lasted so long, despite being drafty in winter. Definitely consult w/someone who specializes in 100 year old construction in your area, and don't get tricked by an insulation contractor who's only familiar w/new insulation techniques. Tightly sealing these older buildings isn't always the right move. Insulation bats or foam might not be the right choice for this house.


Exploratory holes, excellent detective work & termites long gone - on the edge of my seat for the next episode!


1 Home restoration/renovation
2 In my city, only a few neighborhoods away
3 Partially knows what he is doing but learning along the way

All together = great series I'm hooked on now.


Hey, just an fyi, the west philly tool library is an amazing resource for one-time-use tools, and knowledge. Also good luck! This has been a dream of mine and my girlfriend’s since we moved to philly last year. If you ever need helping hands, just shout out! Philly row-homes deserve another 100 years!


A wonderful book to help you rehab this house is Reader's Digest Complete Do-it-Yourself Manual (C)1973 Gives you an in depth understanding how old houses were put together. Also most cities have a group that gets together and talks about the homes they restored. They will give you leads where to go and get some missing parts you will need. From someone who did this. Good luck. Sonya


Very cool project. I suggest testing several materials for asbestos. Insulation, adhesives, especially tile adhesives, etc. Greetings from Germany


Oh god those rotten beams. All I can say is, good luck!!


My wife and I agree this house deserves the full “This Old House” treatment. (Strip the finished surfaces, repair & level the structural components, build it back how you like). It’s going to be great!
