God vs. Satan - if God is all-powerful, why does He not just kill Satan?

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God vs. Satan - if God is all-powerful, why does He not just kill Satan? Why does God allow Satan to be free to cause such terrible evil in the world?
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The best answers I have (and this is just me thinking it, this way) are these: 1. It's all part of God's plan and 2. keeping satan alive is the best way for God to show evil at its worst.

I'll talk about that second one in a bit, but to address the first one here; God's ultimate plan is to bring humanity, back to Himself. The Bible describes God as all-knowing and the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He knows everything that's going to happen, before it even happens. He knows what everyone's thinking and even knows what people are going to say, before they say it.

I don't know the details of God's plans or why He allows certain things to happen, but then again, the Bible does say that in Proverbs 3:5 that you should "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; lean not unto thine own understanding".

While the Bible also says that satan WILL ultimately be destroyed in the future (and I'm not the only one whose looking forward to that day), but despite that, God is letting him roam free and do whatever for a reason. What is that reason? I wish I knew.

Now to address the second thing I said before: God is good, satan is the opposite.
But if you ONLY knew what's good, how can you know what's evil?
It's like 'right' and 'wrong'. If you're only taught one, how can you know what the other truly is?


It is wise to question God .
Isaiah 1 : 18
"Come now, and let us reason together, " Says the LORD, "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.


Why would a perfect "All-Power" being need to harm anyone?


What if natural evil is necessary to create life? Through it -we are constantly improving and adapting. Also we must die to make room for the next generation. Now we are born with a sinful nature, meaning that we instinctively do what’s best for self and we help others because we know in the end we will benefit. It’s survival of the fittest. Jesus turned this upside down. Instead of conquering the enemy, he let them crucify him. Then rising from the dead, he defeated death. Now he calls us to do the same. To love and serve sacrificially. When we loose our fear, then we can work together for the good of all. We can lesson the effects of evil. We have been given the resources. Like a good father or mother, Our creator is here to guide us. We don’t have to wait for some future resurrection. The time is now. The kingdom is at hand!


That didn't really answer the question. If someone asks you why you did something evil, the correct answer isn't "because I'm smarter than you". That's not an explanation. Why on Earth does this channel even exist if you can't question god?


If God was just, he would decapitate Satan for what he did right when he did it!


We’ve been lied to about hell. People are destroyed, not tormented for eternity.

Everyone should research how Yahweh and El-Shaddai originate from polytheism in ancient Israel.


If God is all loving, why create mosquitoes? A tiny insect that killed more people than every evil dictator and ruthless warlord in history combined. And why bring mosquitos on the ark with Noah?


Maybe God is all good but not all powerful. Like a good father he can only do so much to protect his children.


that is the best non-answer to a question you could ever get. And this is what religion does to people. It is so dogmatic and absolutist in such a way that it is almost a crime for a religious person to simply say "I don't know" to any question regarding their religion. Pathetic!


Or maybe we live in a dualistic world where God and the Evil One are forever locked in a tug of war. Maybe the Zoroastrians saw something that Abrahamic faiths don’t


So if God is powerful and created this world but not the one we are living in now Satan has tarnished it why would God allow Satan to take a 💩 on what he took his time creating? Does God need a prep talk ? No one really has free will and this game of how many souls Satan can get vs God is just dumb. Like in the movies they always depict evil to be more powerful than good. We desperately need God to step in way more for his children.


I don't see any logical answer in this video 👎


As expected you gave a non answer that only a brain washed individual would give i.e. I don't why, I won't ask why and I'll just trust that there's a good reason why.


Have you heard yourself ???? Playing with peoples lives is not a good plan or a good game.


If the future is already know and is going right on how it was pre determined ..that really says so much yet at the same times really ruins the definition of free will. If this vid is true then we are nothing but characters in a rerun ..gee that makes me wanna to just go pray right now..oh wait, pray for what ? Anything that happens is already predetermined..why pray and try to be good people when overall it doesn't matter what the hell we do, God programed us to follow the exact path . Gee what fun that is .


Just as Superman needs Lex Luthor and Batman needs the Joker. Take away the villan there's no in this case it would cause the $$$ to dry up


This is garbage logic… if any gods were real, people worshipping them would be the equivalent of ants worshipping humans. It wouldn’t matter.


It's called a plothole. Quite common in fictional works.


Everybody has given TIME repent, humans and other plants living ...everything will come to end, including demons and power of darkness.? "" WHICH CREATED BY EATHLY WOMEN'S AND FALLEN ANGELS. $$ BUT STILL MAN TRUSTING THE WITCH WOMEN'S BEAUTIFUL AND FALL INTO HELL - (king solomon)
