Metal Stud Framing & Drywall Tools That You Should Know About!

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Just starting out in the metal stud framing and drywall trade and need to learn what tools we use to get the job done then this video is for you. Metal stud framing tools and drywall tools work together perfectly and I am going to teach you about them and the fasteners we use.

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Chris Konkle.
Рекомендации по теме

Good video. 20 year vet here, I will share your vid with new apprentices.


Among carpenters, at least old carpenters, what you call a 2’ square is a framing square. What you called a framing square is a speed square. We always called the little metal framing screws peanut screws.

Absolutely agree about going cordless for your drivers. There are plenty of things to trip over on a job site. Eliminating most of the extension cords cuts the trip hazard in half as well as eliminating getting the cord caught on something so you can’t reach a screw or having the tool come unplugged, not to mention having someone else on the job unplug your cord to they can plug in their “absolutely vital” radio.

I don’t understand why you say you only need the red handled snips. The first time I had to deal with metal stud I was told that to cut one to length you just cut the two sides and then bent it back and forth till the center broke. That was 90% of the cutting and it didn’t matter if you used a right or or a left pair of snips and of course since it was a straight cut yellows worked fine too.


There’s more than 2 types of framing screws for metal framing, but those you mention are the two basic for cfmf


Found you through the Dam Man Live show. Looking forward to move episodes.


Why is the yellow for tapers? Im left handed been using the straight cut snips since i started in the early 90's. Most right handed folks do better with the right hand snips and same for lefties and left hand snips but i know a lot of framers that use the yellow .if you ever have to make a corner on a piece of 12" track or roof cap on a parapet wall you end up using both right and mind i finished watching to the end .You might be Canadian that clears up all of the confusion i had. 😅 😅 😅Hope work is as plentiful for you guys as it is in oklahoma the last several years.


Great vid really like these vids. 👍🏽 very informative and clear .


Thank you, this has been very helpful!


Hello. How are you? Saw you on Pusa tonight. Nice Channel. Great content. Love it. Hit the bell. I an a Electrician and Drone Pilot in New York City.


Like the video man, some good stuff. Crazy to see how different people do it in other places. Everywhere I’ve worked we use the standard fixed blade utility knife, never seen anyone using the olfas but it makes sense. What kind of hammer you use? All sorts of cool framing hammers coming out these days but nobody makes drywall hatchets with cool features :(


So you use a standard number 2 Phillips bit for driving your screws instead of using a Philips reduced number two AKA PR2 instead of P2 driver bit? that leads me to something I've wondered for a long time, and that is why do most dimpler bits incorporate the standard P2 driver bit instead of the PR2 driver bit?


Thank you for your lessons . Would you please tell us about where is a good trainn8ng school in any area? Thank you again this is limitless .


Where can I get the same electrician tool pouch?? #amazonlink??


Tuck this video away in your library, and keep it there for reference. Remember, you're getting these professional tips for free.


So, having just had 3 walls removed for a Sump install, is it possible to build half steel stud for 4ft, and the remainder be wood stud?

Or is going single material better in a basement envrioment?


You never use the drywall gun with a 6 inch shaft for framing 20-25 gauge metal? Typically thats how it is now (standard for piece workers) definitely out perform anyone with a impact


I'm looking to attach 16 gauge steel studs to track. Plans call for 10-16 ×3/4. I have salt air near me so I'm looking for corrosion protection. I'm getting confused between the wafer head and the modified truss head. Are they the same or can they be used interchangeably? Thanks


my project is with shipping containers. i want metal studs as well. i have been researching what best fits my needs for a metal framing nailgun. i, m a totally new DIY er, . most bloggers with tools i notice may have most of one brand, but do have a couple of other brands they have. most of my drills etc are dewalt. i may have to get a milwaukee framing nailgun. can you suggest from experience the best metal fram gun. thank you.


Is 20 gauge steel considered light gauge or heavy gauge in regards to the framing screws?
I am wondering whether I should get #8 self-drilling zinc screws for 20 gauge steel or the black phosphate screws?


an impact gun is for screws for medal studs? i thought a framing nailgun, which is faster, is that used for metal studs? i, m confused. new DIY, er.


Where can I buy the Chemtron for he bottom track? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Is there an alternative you could recommend?
