Discover Onboarding with Workelo : easy, engaging & safe

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👋 Workelo is the easiest platform for warmly welcoming recruits, from preboarding to onboarding.

How does it work?
1️⃣ Trigger onboarding journeys from your ATS as soon as the recruitment is confirmed. These journeys are personalized, easy to follow, and stakeholders are notified at each important step.
2️⃣ Manage administrative tasks effortlessly: e-signing employment contracts, syncing recruit's administrative data with your HRIS...
3️⃣ Your recruit enjoys a memorable preboarding and onboarding experience! The recruit's journey is paced with videos, training, quizzes, meetings with colleagues, surveys, an astonishment report...
✨As a bonus, Workelo Ask! uses AI to answer all the recruit's questions.
4️⃣ Analyze recruit satisfaction with actionable analytics dashboards.

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