Python: TKinter Scale Widget

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Welcome back everybody! This video demonstrates the basic functionality of the scale widget. This widget allows the user to create a "slider" widget into a GUI using Python. The scale widget is a great tool for learning how to get and set values into variables using the simple get method. I hope this video was helpful to everyone, please feel free to leave any comments or questions below!
This video creates a simple Python GUI that allows the user to save text files with a designated title and content. In its simplest form, this is what most word processors and text editors perform on a daily basis. This video introduces the pack geometry management method, which is the fastest method, but also gives the user slightly less control over widget placement. Feel free to leave any questions in the comments below!
Github Source code:
This video creates a simple Python GUI that allows the user to save text files with a designated title and content. In its simplest form, this is what most word processors and text editors perform on a daily basis. This video introduces the pack geometry management method, which is the fastest method, but also gives the user slightly less control over widget placement. Feel free to leave any questions in the comments below!
Github Source code:
Python: TKinter Scale Widget
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