Raise Positive Vibration | 432Hz Healing Meditation | Energy Cleanse | Self Healing Frequency

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Music is tuned to 432Hz and contains the 639Hz Solfeggio frequency.
These frequencies have a specific healing effect on your subconscious mind.

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You can download our music for FREE if you want to.
Or you can literally choose the amount you want to give for it.

❖ Sound Vibration ❖
The most elemental state of vibration is that of sound. Everything has an optimum range of vibration (frequency), and that rate is called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are balanced. Every organ and every cell in our precious body absorbs and emits sound with particular optimum resonate frequency. 432hz and 528hz tuned music creates resonance in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

❖ 852Hz Solfeggio Frequency ❖ corresponds with the third eye chakra. Excellent for cleansing the fog of overthinking and negative energy built up by repetitive unhealthy thought patterns. Enhances intuition, clarity, and access to your wealth of inner wisdom and potential. It allows us to cut through illusion and to access deeper truths, as well as gifts of spiritual contemplation and self-reflection. It dissolves the illusion of limiting beliefs that create barriers to unconditional self-love. Inspires the acceptance of life as it is and responding to life with clarity in mind and heart. When balanced you feel whole and a part of the whole. You see the truth of who you are; a Divine spark of Light, a Loving Soul in a physical body.

❖ 432Hz Music ❖
Resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 432Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving. One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love have inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world where we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each other and Mother Earth.

❖ Spirit Tribe Awakening ❖
We are here to serve you. To Inspire, Uplift and spread Positive Energy through music and Intention. To support you wherever you are on your journey. Co-creating more Peace, Love, and Happiness in your life, and the millions of people connecting with us.

All our music (self-composed and licensed from other composers) is tuned to 432Hz and 528Hz, and contains Solfeggio Frequencies; Miracle Tones that Heal, Change and Transform low vibrational energy (negative energy). Letting go of negative thoughts and emotions. Recharging the LIGHT within you. Refueling mind, body, heart and soul with Powerful Positive Energy that aligns you with your Innate Power, Potential and Resources.

When you RAISE YOUR VIBRATION you also help to raise the collective vibration of our beautiful planet and all life on it. You are important. You are important to this planet. You are valuable. You are a beautiful expression of Life. Powerful BEYOND words.

"What you want. Wants you." - Rumi

From Heart to Heart. From Soul to Soul. Thank You for connecting with us.

❖ ❖ ❖ ❤️❤️❤️❖ ❖ ❖

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Dear Precious Soul 💙 “Take care of your inner, spiritual beauty. That will reflect in your face.” – Dolores del Rio

May this ‘peace’ of music manifest miracles and beauty in your life today.
Infinite Love to all. 💙


💖🙌💖If you read this, doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful night and a happy peaceful life where all your dreams become true. Wishing you this from Colorado💖🙌💖 and I love you


You are so much more than wat you think you are! May every1 reading this have a blessed life, full of happiness. :) We are all energy & very much connected!! :)


If you ever feel lonely, just remember that there are trillions of cells inside you, that literally can't live without you ❤️




It's nice to know how many people appreciate meditation. Where I live not many do.


I put this on and got a full 8 hours of sleep.. And i am the person who only gets 4-5 hrs max..so it felt amazing. I am refreshed


I wish for you all to go through your spiritual awkenings and find your true purpose for being here so we can help each other grow. Much peace and love to anyone reading this! You have a great day. May you begin and walk your spiritual path.💖💕


When I listen to this music I feel overwhelmed and perfect peace. My heart Is full of gratitud and love. Thanks. From Argentina.


Im starting to feel like a better me...


I'm proud of being Native American, not half, not "1/8" but full..
I love my people.. I honestly wish we didn't go thru such drastic change because of mass genocide..
I love my home, I love my reservation but I feel for my other nations who lost their homes hundred years ago because of settlement, colonization and civilization.. their homes were taken and put into smaller reservations that weren't even home..
Till this day, we still get pushed aside because of stupid myths but we still survive and thrive.. 💚


The person who is reading this comment, I wish you, and your family great success, health, love and happiness, wisdom and awareness and miracles in all stages of life !
Our wish is peace with oneself, peace with others, peace with the universe .


Let me just put this in here:

I accidentally clicked this after listening to another meditation music. I was feeling an anxiety attack coming, and so I was just trying to calm myself. The previous one was an hour-long, and I decided to pull out some random cards from random oracle decks in the middle of listening. As soon as this played, I pulled the Goddess Lakshmi card from my Goddess Oracle, and it reminded me of a "princess-like" figure that I saw in one of my dreams; in that dream, she was leading me to a path going somewhere. Upon remembering it all of a sudden, I don't know how to put the way I felt in words: At ease, calm, safe— these words are the closest, but they don't seem to be expressing it enough. Perhaps it was a spirit guide trying to connect with me. Perhaps it was just a normal dream or memory. Who knows? All I know is that as of this moment, I feel at peace with myself. I hope you do, too. ♥


If you are reading this, know that you are lucky and you are loved 🥰
May every sunrise bring you hope, and may every sunset bring you peace 🌈


Im doing 30 day Abraham Hicks challenge. Meditation each day, turn off tv, media etc, raise vibration... this is perfect start to my day. I could listen to it all day and I just might! ☺️❤🥰🥰🥰🥰


We are co-creators, the mind, the hands, the feet of God, when we meditate we activate God's vision which pure unconditional love that reaches every soul. May each us find the love of God and make it our life's mission to spread it to one and all. Blessings of abundance to all.


I want nor need anything for myself only to just send blessings to you all filled with love & light & serenity 🙏🏻😇


This randomly started after a luck mantra by Dr Nipun Agarwal and it touched me deeply, brought me to tears.


Awesome nature images. Couldn´t stop crying while admiring them. Got too emotional. Thanks for the experience. Thanks. Namaste.


Good morning! Good day! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night...Blessings Abound, Overflowing to you and to all!

So many reasons to be happy, thankful within and radiating out, to be and to share with all! Be Light, Be Loved, Be Merry! Knowing who we all really are, there is every reason, every opportunity, for the Promise of Divine Infinite Universal Eternal Life, Love, and Light is always within you, and within me! What is possible IS, and it is up to each and everyone to awaken and see how marvelous, glorious yours, theirs' and each's are the sum of the Whole, Completeness, Awareness, Presence and Being, Life, Love, Light and Existence Are Divine Gifts Bestowed with ALL. I, YOU, WE ARE ALL LOVE, LIGHT, AND LIFE OF THE DIVINE UNIVERSE...(This I think, I perceive...)🙏🕊💫🌷🦋🌞🌈🌎🌟✨🌌💛
