The 100th Bomb Group is Wiped Out - Münster 1943

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The US 8th Air Force has until now attempted to hit military targets and infrastructure by daylight with precision, aiming to prevent civilian casualties. Today marks a shift in policy. The 8th Air Force will hit Munster. Their aiming points will be the city centre, a residential area of workers housing, and a marshalling yard. This will be the first time the 8th will deliberately target civilians as the primary target. After the diversionary raid over the North Sea fails, and the fighter escort fails to take off, the Luftwaffe is ready and waiting to punish the attacking bomber formation.
During registration use the code BRAVO to get for free: 500 doubloons, 1.5 million credits, 7 Days of Premium Account time, and a free ship after you complete 15 battles!
Applicable to new users only.
The US 8th Air Force has until now attempted to hit military targets and infrastructure by daylight with precision, aiming to prevent civilian casualties. Today marks a shift in policy. The 8th Air Force will hit Munster. Their aiming points will be the city centre, a residential area of workers housing, and a marshalling yard. This will be the first time the 8th will deliberately target civilians as the primary target. After the diversionary raid over the North Sea fails, and the fighter escort fails to take off, the Luftwaffe is ready and waiting to punish the attacking bomber formation.
The 100th Bomb Group is Wiped Out - Münster 1943
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