java tokens with example

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in java, tokens are the smallest elements of a program that are meaningful to the compiler. they are the building blocks of java syntax and can include keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, and punctuation marks. understanding tokens is essential for writing and reading java code.

### types of java tokens

1. **keywords**: reserved words that have a predefined meaning in java. examples include `class`, `public`, `void`, `if`, `else`, `for`, `while`, etc.

2. **identifiers**: names given to variables, methods, classes, etc. they must follow certain rules:
- can contain letters, digits, underscores (`_`), and dollar signs (`$`).
- must start with a letter, an underscore, or a dollar sign.
- cannot be a keyword.

3. **literals**: these are fixed values that appear directly in the code. for example:
- integer literals: `10`, `200`
- floating-point literals: `3.14`, `2.718`
- boolean literals: `true`, `false`
- character literals: `'a'`, `'1'`
- string literals: `"hello, world!"`

4. **operators**: symbols that perform operations on variables and values. examples include:
- arithmetic operators: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `%`
- relational operators: `==`, `!=`, ``, ``, `=`, `=`
- logical operators: `&&`, `||`, `!`

5. **punctuation marks**: used to separate statements and define the structure of the code. examples include:
- semicolon (`;`): ends a statement.
- comma (`,`): separates items in a list.
- parentheses (`(`, `)`): used in method calls and expressions.
- curly braces (`{`, `}`): define the beginning and end of a block of code.

### example code

here is a simple java program that demonstrates the use of various tokens:

### explanation of the example

1. **keywords**: `public`, `class`, `static`, `void`, `if`, `for`.
2. **identifiers**: `tokenexample`, `main`, `args`, `number`, `pi`, `greeting`, `i`.
3. **literals**: `10`, `3.14`, `"hello, world!"`, `"current number: "`.
4. **operators**: ``, `+`, `=`, ``, ` ...

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